Police Situation – 300 Block of 15th St, Tuesday evening
Brandon Police Service members were seen taking cover with their rifles in the 300 block of 15th St. on Tuesday night.
Police could be heard over a loudspeaker telling someone to “exit the house with your hands up”, and that the police “are not going away until you come out”.
According to Brandon Police’s Twitter, the situation was resolved at around 9:45 on Tuesday night, but that they were still investigating.

Photo by Liam Pattison Photography
Updated Below: Brandon Police Service Media Release
Shortly before 6:00 pm on Tuesday, police received a complaint from a resident of the 300 block of 15th St. He reported seeing two males on a balcony arguing, one with a hand gun in his waistband and the other with a handgun in the back of his pants. Officers attended and secured the area. A second witness reported seeing the males and confirmed the presence of what was believed to be two handguns. Two men briefly exited the residence and when challenged by police, returned inside the apartment. A member of the Crisis Negotiation Unit was at the scene and used a loud hailer to make contact with the residents of the building. Two other apartments were safely evacuated and contact was made with the males inside the residence. After continued negotiation, two males exited the residence and were taken into custody. A third male was in the residence and contact was established with him, resulting in his leaving the residence a short time later. The two residents of the apartment were interviewed by members of the Major Crimes Unit and admitted to arguing and having a cap gun in their possession at the time. They consented to a search of the residence and the cap gun was recovered. Both men were released with out charges. The third man was arrested on a warrant and held at BPS due to intoxication. He was released on Wednesday morning for a court date in July.

Photo by Liam Pattison Photography