Possession of Dangerous Weapon, Carry Concealed Weapon

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On March 9th at 11:29 am Police stopped a male on an e-bike that ran a stop sign in the 1200 block of 10th street. The officer observed what appeared to be a firearm sticking out of the male’s backpack. The 42-year-old male was arrested for possession of a concealed weapon. The officer located a Daniel Defense MK 18 rifle (BB gun), two cartridges of steel BB pellets, a folding knife, pepper spray and 8.75 grams of Methamephatime. The accused was on a court order not to possess weapons. He was held in custody at Brandon Police detention cells and will appear in court on March 10th, 2025.

Break and Enter and Possession of Dangerous Weapon

 On March 9th at 2:56 pm Police received a call reporting a female was attempting to break into a residence in the 500 block of 7th street The caller witnessed the female attempting to pry open the door with some type of tool. The female left the scene before police arrived. The caller directed officers to the 700 block of Rosser Avenue where the female was located. The 19-year-old female was arrested for Break and Enter. She was found to have a fixed blade knife in her possession. She was held in Bradon Police detention cells for court on March 10th, 20025.

Breach of Release order- Consume liquor underage

 On March 9th at 10:14 pm Police received a call of a female causing a disturbance at residence in the 700 block of 14th street. An intoxicated 14-year-old female was found to be the cause of the issues. She was arrested and found to be on a court order not to consume liquor. The accused was lodged at Brandon Police detention cells and will appear in court on March 10th, 2025.