Public Utilities Board approves 2.6 per cent overall general rate increase for MPI
In Order No. 130/17 dated December 4, 2017, the Manitoba Public Utilities Board (PUB)
approved a 2.6% over-all general rate increase for Basic compulsory motor vehicle
premiums to be effective March 1, 2018.
The Board further orders a 1.8% rate increase to the demerit scale for driver premiums
under the Driver Safety Rating (DSR) system. A 2.6% over-all general rate increase does not mean that rates for all motorists within each major class will experience a rate adjustment. Adjustments to specific classifications of vehicles will be determined based on MPI’s rate design. Rates paid by individual policyholders within each class will be determined based on their driving record, the registered vehicle (make and model and year), the purpose for which the vehicle is driven and the territory in which the policyholder resides. Policyholders’ premiums will also be impacted by actual claims experience.
Major vehicles classes include:
Private passenger
Public (taxi)
Off-road vehicles
Total over-all 2.6% chang