Upcoming Event Announcement featuring Michael Landsberg

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1 in 5 Canadians are living with a mental health problem at any one time, and nearly half of the population will experience some type of illness by age 40. Mental illness is also the leading cause of work disability, affecting almost seven million working age adults.

Career Connections Inc has invited #belllets talk ambassador #sicknotweak founder Michael Landsberg, who helps people understand that mental illness is a sickness, not a weakness, and creates community around the subject of mental health.

On Thursday October 3rd @ 5:30 p.m. at the Victoria Inn Brandon in support of Mental Health in the Workplace, Career Connections Inc will be hosting an Evening Gala.

“Imagine if you had the power to change lives just by talking. Imagine if you knew you could save lives by simply telling your story … Together, we can change the stigma that surrounds this disease.”

— Michael Landsberg, CTV News

During the evening Career Connections Inc. will be presenting the “Inclusive Employer Awards” as part of “Disability Employment Awareness Month.

Career Connections Inc is available to support anyone who is experiencing a mental illness whether they’re are currently employed, newly employed, job searching or re entering the workforce. We hope that through our supports we can help reduce the cost of losses related to turnover, absenteeism, and presenteeism which is currently costing business’ over 20 billion annually.

For Tickets and/ or sponsorship opportunities please contact

Tracy Williams or Brianne Roblin at 204.728.9594 or by email

twilliams@cciwestman.ca broblin@cciwetsman.ca