What is BDNMB.CA?

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With closing in on close to 5 years in business we at BDNMB.CA have to say thanks to all of you that follow us and help us with daily tips on stories.

Our writers Brandi, Cathie, and Wanda have made BDNMB.CA more credible and interesting.  Also Liam Pattison was a huge addition to BDNMB.CA with his amazing photography and loyalty to us.

When we first started off BDNMB.CA the idea was to have a dozen local writers that would specialize in certain professions and topics.  We realized very quickly that the original plan was not going to work.  In addition labor and time intensive stories we will leave up to the people at the Brandon Sun as this is not what we do.  The “bread and butter” of BDNMB.CA will be our business and human interest stories.

After running various stories we figured out by the views and shares and likes what people were finding compelling and of interest.   Also we know that neither of us are writers as Jody Sass works in sales for Westman Communications and Darryl Wolski operates Wendy’s Winter and Summer Hockey Leagues, AAA Hockey Challenge, College Hockey Family Advisor and 2112 Hockey Agency.   Therefore we both have full time jobs and only have so many hours in a day to dedicate to this site.

On our Facebook page we closely watch the comments to make sure people stay on side but on the other hand we have to let readers have some say and be able to voice an opinion.   So if your comment is deleted or hidden we felt it wasn’t in good taste and had to remove it.

As of late we have had some amazing stories that have received huge numbers such as the outdoor rink story which had 350,000 people reached on Facebook with over 1,000 likes.   These types of stories take hours to find and sadly those cannot be found on a daily basis.  Plus in November our Facebook page had record views and numbers.

Facebook stats on outdoor rink story

BDNMB.CA evolved from a basic website to an amazing website then we added an APP for both IOS and Android users.  Plus Food Truck Warz was a huge success and with some luck we hope to run this event twice in 2021 (late May and late September).  Over the past 6 months our Twitter account has seen some increases and we hope to share our news and stories using this platform moving forward.

Facebook Stats for November 2020

Jody and myself would like to thank also our advertisers that see good value in being part of BDNMB.CA and as well get results from being online with our website ….. thank you to all of you as many of you have been with us since Day 1.

Story ideas are always welcome so feel free to send us an Email at any time – jody@bdnmb.ca or darryl@bdnmb.ca

Thank you and be well during these difficult times.
Jody Sass & Darryl Wolski
