1 Day Sale -Fly from Winnipeg
Air Canada has surprised Winnipeggers with a one-day sale on flights. And before you yawn and dismiss it as "just another sale" what would you say to these prices?
Seattle $324
Boston $296
Halifax $439
Victoria, BC $237
There are, I'm certain, many many more bargains to be had. Even out of the ordinary destinations like Yellowknife are on sale from Winnipeg. ($437).
Prices noted above are return flights, and INCLUDE taxes. See why it's a bargain worth dropping everything to write about?
These prices are for flights in October, some deals are also available in September and early November.
Westjet has jumped in and has offered a few gems too. The best deal I say there was from Winnipeg to Moncton, NB $332 tax in. Yes, can you even imagine flying to the Maritimes cheaper than it typically costs to fly to Edmonton? Bargain! (Oct 24th-Nov 1st)
The booking window closes at midnight September 1st. Visit Aircanada.com for more details and specific routes.
To see these deals and more, you can also join the Facebook group She Talks Travel.