By-Law Officer Charged with Fraud Under $5000 and Breach of Trust

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On December 24, 2022 a By-Law Officer, who was assigned to Animal Control duties
attended to a Brandon residential address. The officer advised the caller that there was
a surrender fee for the animals. It is alleged that the officer collected the money as a
surrender fee, but they did not turn over the funds to the pound agent.

On December 28, 2022, another BPS employee learned of this anomaly through a
separate investigation they were conducting. The employee reported their concerns to
their supervisor, which lead to a police investigator being assigned to the incident on
January 9, 2023 after preliminary fact finding by the employee’s supervisor and a review
by BPS Executive.

The investigation lead to the discovery of four similar incidents between March and
August 2022. During these incidents, money was collected for the surrender of animals
but was not deposited with the pound agent. These incidents occurred on March 26,
May 02, June 29, and August 22, 2022.

As a result of this investigation, Neil Terence JORDAN, a 57-year-old male of rural
Manitoba has been charged with five counts of Fraud Under 5000 dollars and five counts
of Breach of Trust by an Official. Mr. JORDAN was first charged on January 16, 2023,
with one count of each offence based on the initial investigation. On February 24, 2023,
Manitoba Prosecution Services authorized the eight additional charges, based on the
ongoing investigation. Mr. JORDAN’s first court appearance is set for April 24, 2023, at
the Brandon Court House.

During the course of the investigation, Mr. JORDAN was immediately relieved of any
responsibility as an Animal Control Officer and has been on unpaid leave, at his request,
since 25 January 2023.

A review of our processes has been conducted. Protocols were in place when these
occurrences happened. The employee chose not to follow these processes. Based on
the review, our By-Law supervisor will be examining animal control calls for service on
an ongoing basis. Our review remains ongoing to determine best practices to implement
to ensure this type of situation does not happen again.