Possession for the Purpose of Trafficking Cocaine, Possession of Proceeds of Crime

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Possession for the Purpose of Trafficking – Cocaine, Possession of Proceeds of Crime

At 2:15AM Saturday morning, police conducted a traffic stop with a vehicle driving erratically.  When the officer spoke to the driver, he could see items, consistent with drug trafficking, sitting on the passenger seat contaminated with what he believed to be cocaine.  The driver was arrested and found to be in possession of a quantity of cocaine and cash.  The 31 year old male was released with a court date.

Impaired Operation/ Drive Over 80mg%

At 8:00PM Friday night, police received third party complaint of intimate partner violence at a local hotel.  The male suspect left alone in a vehicle prior to police arriving. The female involved denied any altercation and did not display any signs of injury.  A description of the vehicle was obtained and the vehicle was located driving a few moments later.  The operators driving actions were consistent with impairment and the vehicle was stopped.  The 48 year old male provided two samples of his breath that were over the legal limit.  He was released with a court date and his vehicle and license were seized.