Assiniboine Ave Blaze – Motorhome & Business Catch Fire
Late Sunday night Brandon emergency crews were called to the 800 block of Assiniboine Avenue for a fire.
A motorhome was well involved with fire upon arrival of fire crews, as well as the neighbouring building that is home to Assiniboine Collision & Glass.
Fire from the motorhome made its way into the roof of the business which appeared to cause a partial collapse of the roof structure.
Firefighters made a hole in the roof and began dousing the flames that were underneath the metal roofing.
No reports of injuries so far, and no word on what caused the fire.

Photo by Liam Pattison Photography

Photo by Liam Pattison Photography

Photo by Liam Pattison Photography

Photo by Liam Pattison

Photo by Liam Pattison Photography

Photo by Mike Wasilka