Brandon company donates van load of stuffed animals to the United Way’s Holiday Hamper program


BDNMB.CA recently donated over 150 stuffed animals (with a retail value of $1,500) to the United Way of Brandon & District’s Holiday Hamper campaign.

“When the United Way said they were looking for non-perishable food items and toys to fill the more than 800 hampers, we wanted to step-up and contribute any way we could” said’s Director of Business Operations, Jody Sass. “We’re a firm believer in giving back to the community, and this year we wanted to support an organization whose efforts will make a huge impact on others over the holiday season”. “We also want to say thank-you to Jim & Michelle Mills of Select Shows for their assistance with the acquisition and delivery of the stuffed animals” added Darryl Wolski,’s Chief Marketing Officer.

The United Way’s Bryan Podworny (pictured below) appreciated the donation. “I want to thank for thinking of us. With over 800 hampers to fill, we are glad they are helping to support the cause”.

The organization is still in search of donations (toys, food, socks and underwear, personal hygiene items, baby items like formula and diapers, monetary donations for protein purchasing) to help fill 630 hampers. Drop off sites for donations include: Career Connections, CoWorks, Murrays, ToyMasters, Harveys, Systems Beauty Centre, Planet Kia & Montana’s. The last day to drop off items is December 5th. To adopt-a-family, please contact the United Way of Brandon & District at or call 204.571.8929.