Brandon AAA Midget Wheat Kings games online broadcasts

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The Manitoba Sports Network are pleased to announce that they have added the broadcasting of Virden Oil Capitals, and Brandon Wheat Kings AAA Midget Wheat Kings games, to their line-up this season.

Their developers at the Manitoba Sports Network have been working hard on their network and now we can offer up to 9 different camera angles at a single broadcast. This is the first of its kind for amateur sports. Imagine what it will be like for fans watching a hockey game, and at the same time coaches and scouts being able to have that many different angles to evaluate players.  What a better way to watch amateur sports including live play by play with up to 9 different camera angles, rather then just one at centre ice.

This announcement brings the company up to 9 leagues they will be broadcasting, as well as 6 TV shows. Watch out for TV show line ups announcements including NHL pro scouts as special guests.

They are also working on 3 other leagues and hope to confirm announcements by end of the week.