Brandon woman to say final goodbye

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Really not sure how to do this story because I have known Tatjana, and Nadja Chiaramonte, for two decades.

So this is the rough version.

Tatjana, 41, was diagnosed with COPD 12 years ago. Having COPD makes the basic day to day life tasks like walking, and breathing, difficult for those who have it.

Eighteen months ago she got a call that new lungs were available in Edmonton, so two hours later she was flown to Edmonton for the successful operation. Following the operation everything appeared to get back on the right track, Tat was getting back to her normal life and starting to feel great. However, recently her body rejected the lungs and now she only has a few months to live. Another transplant is not an option.

Her twin sister Nadja is single with two children, with basically no family, so they have arranged a GOFUNDME page to help with the costs of a proper funeral.

Please click on her page:

Overview of COPD