14.2 C
Brandon, CA
Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Get Ready for a Back Yard Party

It's that time of year again! Summer has arrived and what better way to enjoy the sunshine and warm weather than a backyard gathering with friends and family? Whether you are having a casual barbecue or a posh party, there is always a lot of work to do before your guests arrive; the following 10…

Day Drinking in Brandon

What happens if your only day off is a Tuesday? No car or no interest in driving to Clear Lake for the day? Well, what ARE you going to do in Brandon that feels like a vacation? May I suggest day drinking!  Finish your chores or that morning round of golf and head straight for…

Planning a day trip, Glenboro MB?

Planning a day trip, a scavenger hunt or road rally? Why not add "Selfie with Sara" to your list.  Who's Sara? Well, I'm talking about Sara the statue, the camel statue of Glenboro, Manitoba. She's their giant mascot, their roadside landmark and their signature art piece. You'll find her less than 45 minutes south east…


We've been to the neighbours again. Upon arriving home yesterday after school, before baseball, the oldest promptly approached the nice neighbor man's wife and asked where her husband was. He needed to talk to him.  Man stuff.  She indicated he was away at work but would let him know as soon as he was home…

The changing retirement income landscape

Fewer than one in three working Canadians has a guaranteed pension plan¹. Canadians are living longer than ever before and very few have access to traditional sources of retirement income, such as workplace pension plans. In fact, between 1982 and 2011 participation in defined contribution plans grew by 294.4 per cent while participating in defined…
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