Monday, March 10, 2025
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Beyond the Box Score: Local Sports News for March 9, 2025

Full lineup released for Rockin’ The Fields Of Minnedosa 2025

Bringing Sweetness to Every Celebration: A Family’s Popcorn and Cotton Candy Business

Locally made handcrafted perogies, cabbage rolls, and dumplings now available in Brandon

Beyond the Box Score: Local Sports News for March 2, 2025

50th annual MBA Family of Festivals Jazz Band Festival celebrates music-making, sharing, and learning with 1,000+ students in 47 bands

Westman Communications Group Announces Connecting Westman Tour Locations

Russell Peters Coming to Brandon with his RELAX* World Tour

Vincent Massey Major Production, “You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown”

Good grief! After being sidelined by Covid for a year, Vincent Massey High School is excited to announce their comeback musical “You're a Good Man Charlie Brown”. The two-time Broadway hit, “You're a Good Man Charlie Brown” is a tribute to the Charles M. Schulz Peanuts cartoon gang. It follows a day with Charlie Brown as he ponders the meaning of life between kite flying, a baseball game, glee club practice, and winning the heart of the little red headed girl. This heart-warming musical has a singable score, and a plot full of innocence and laughter that the whole family will enjoy. The cast of 41-students from grades nine through twelve are each a memorable character from the classic cartoon series. The entire cast highlights some of childhood's simple joys as they, many for the first time, tread the boards. Led by newcomers Derek You as Charlie Brown, Ryan DeGroot as Snoopy, and Manu Tarubal as Schroeder, and joined by veterans Ava Acevedo as Sally, Alison Gray as Lucy, and Aaron Pasaporte as Linus. The whole cast and crew feel privileged to be able to perform again for the Westman region audiences. Working with acclaimed soprano Naomi Forman as our vocal director, and the owner/ instructor of Dance Images Linda Kearns as our choreographer, students are thrilled to be busy rehearsing again. Gabriela Milla, a second-year performer says, “It's exciting, I've missed human interaction.” Newcomer to the production Chelsea Nnamani said, “I've really been into acting, singing, and art so it's great to be able to do that again this year.” The whole cast feels fortunate that they can do what they love again, and hope that audiences will support them. “You're a Good Man Charlie Brown” will take place March 23’d, 24'h, and 25'h and tickets are on sale now! (submitted)

Art Gallery of Southwestern Manitoba Membership Campaign

- The Art Gallery of Southwestern Manitoba is pleased to announce the start of their membership giveaway campaign, Make Yourself Part of the Picture, from February 1st to March 5th, 2022. Thanks to the generosity of the Manitoba Arts Council, the membership campaign will run for five weeks and give away over three hundred and fifty family or group and individual memberships to residents of the southwestern Manitoba region. The membership campaign is to encourage Westman residents to take part in the revitalizing of Brandon’s downtown area and renew support for the arts. A membership to the AGSM gives early access to class registrations, discounts at the gallery’s gift shop and ticketed workshops or events, facility rental discounts as well as discounts at select business locations in the Westman region. Members also have the unique opportunity to showcase their artwork at the end of year exhibition Annual Member’s Show, a tradition that just passed its 17th year anniversary. "Choosing to be a member of this wonderful arts community organization means that you get the opportunity to explore a variety of visual arts, photography, ceramics and writing classes on offer at a discounted rate. It’s a fantastic way for families to connect and enjoy a prairie-focus exhibition roster as well!” says Monica Joshi, the Gallery Service Coordinator. “We hope that these subsidized memberships will help us to reach the creative members of the community who have been thinking about getting involved with the gallery, but just need a little push.” The Art Gallery of Southwestern Manitoba is the oldest public art gallery in the Province, boasting a history that dates back to 1907, and the largest outside of Winnipeg. In addition to its ongoing exhibition program, it features three full terms of art classes for youth and adults, an additional summer option for youth and children, as well as intensive specialized workshops, each year. When the Manitoba Arts Council offered us funds to rebuild after the devastating effects of the pandemic on the arts and culture scene in Brandon, we chose to use the funds to rebuild our arts family. We encourage those seeking a membership to call us at 204.727.1036 or email us at info@agsm.ca.

Province Offers Free Provincial Park Entry for Month of February

The Manitoba government will again allow free entry to provincial parks for the entire month of February so Manitobans and visitors can take advantage of the many winter activities they offer, Environment, Climate and Parks Minister Jeff Wharton announced today. “Free park entry gives everyone more opportunities to enjoy nature and the great outdoors,” said Wharton. “People across our province love Manitoba’s parks and our government is pleased to make it easier to explore them and to experience all that they offer.” Vehicle permits will not be required at any provincial park in Manitoba in February, though Snopasses will be needed for snowmobilers using groomed trails in parks. Entrance fees will continue to apply at national parks. Provincial parks have groomed trails for a variety of activities, including cross-country skiing, snowmobiling, fat biking, snowshoeing and hiking. Paint Lake, Spruce Woods and Turtle Mountain provincial parks also offer outdoor skating areas, hockey rinks and toboggan hills. Trails province-wide are in excellent condition with a good snow base, the minister noted. Manitobans are encouraged to check trail conditions and weather forecasts before visiting parks to properly plan their outdoor adventures. An online interactive trails map is updated regularly with grooming and condition reports at www.manitobaparks.com. Trail users are reminded to use only trails that are designated for their activities, to keep dogs on leashes and to practise the principles of Leave No Trace by not littering. While being outdoors and active in nature is important for physical and mental health, COVID-19 public health orders must be followed, including for physical distancing and group size restrictions. Warming shelters are open with reduced capacity limits and masks are required indoors. Park visitors are reminded to observe capacity signs and to kindly limit their time in shelters to share with others. Information on COVID-19 guidelines in provincial parks is available at www.manitobaparks.com. Park interpreters offer numerous guided experiences to help Manitobans learn and discover natural and cultural heritage at Birds Hill, Spruce Woods and Whiteshell provincial parks. Highlights in February will include wolf howl hikes, snowshoe treks, quinzhee building and ice fishing. Event details and registration information can be found under the events tab on the Manitoba Parks Facebook page at www.facebook.com/MBGovParks and at www.manitobaparks.com. Teachers can also book free guided field trips to Birds Hill, Spruce Woods and Whiteshell provincial parks, along with virtual programs to bring park interpreters into their classrooms. For more information on winter activities and interpretive programs in provincial parks, email ParkInterpretation@gov.mb.ca or visit www.manitobaparks.com. Annual park vehicle permits will be available for purchase beginning on March 1. Manitobans can stay up to date with provincial parks news, activities and events by following Manitoba Parks on Facebook at www.facebook.com/MBGovParks and on Twitter at www.twitter.com/MBGovParks.

Community Connection: 20 Questions with Danna Rudniski

Danna Rudniski is the Foundation Manager at Westman Dreams for Kids and a yoga instructor with Luna Muna here in Brandon. Many of you also may recognize Danna from her time with the Brandon Wheat Kings as their Director of Operations & Ticket Sales. 1.  First job? My Pa (Grandpa) owned a catering business called Shamrock Catering so we worked weddings, grads, banquets etc., when we were young, but real job outside of being hired by family, my first job was Footlocker! 2.  What household chore do you absolutely hate doing? Sorting/Washing Cutlery.  3.  If you could have any Canadian band (past or present) play a backyard BBQ at your house, you'd choose? Bryan Adams! 4.  Three movies everyone should have in their movie library?  Home Alone, Crazy Stupid Love, Lone Survivor 5. You can choose one item to be calorie free, what will it be? Mini Eggs (eggies) 6. The movie that traumatized you most as a child was? Blair Witch Project 7. You have 30 minutes to spend $5,000 in one store in Brandon, where are you going? Winners! 8. There is always ________ in my fridge? Champagne + Vegetables 9. Name a TV series with a great theme song? The Jeffersons! 10. You're invited to a party and you have to bring something that starts with the first letter of your last name, what are you bringing? R – Ritz Crackers 11. You get to invite one person to a function. if they're late you get $1,000, who are you taking?  My Twin Sister, Alanna.  She’s only late when it involves me!  12. Heels, flats, or sneakers? Flats.  I’m 6’2” so heels are not appreciated around others! 13. A TV show you would like to make an appearance on? Big Brother 14.  Dream dinner party guests (4)? Barack Obama, Ryan Reynolds, Justin, Timberlake, Jennifer Aniston. 15. An object you still own from your childhood?  Haha medals from elementary school sports 16. Early riser or night owl? Neither! 17. The first concert you ever attended? Ricky Martin (thanks Mom!) 18.  A place you’ve never been but would love to visit? Greece 19.  No matter how many _____ I own, I always have the urge to buy more? Clothes!!! 20.  If you could raid one celebrity’s closet, who would it be? Karlie Kloss
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Before I Go To Bed Tonight, upcoming exhibition at the AGSM

The Art Gallery of Southwestern Manitoba is pleased to announce the upcoming exhibition in the Community Gallery, Before I Go To Bed, a project by Dr. Alysha Farrell of Brandon University. The opening reception will be held on January 27, 2022 at 7:00 P.M. at the AGSM. The public will have the opportunity to engage directly with the participating youth artists when they gather for a roundtable discussion on Saturday, February 5 at 1:00 P.M. Before I Go To Bed Tonight features work by youth from the Westman region that was created during a semester-long project led by Dr. Farrell. Participants in the project were urged to look at the climate crisis head-on by professional artist-led workshops. Given that youth will inherit the future, this meaningful exchange resulted in a creative explosion of works in the exhibition. They were encouraged to explore themes of anthropocentrism, eco-justice, stewardship of the earth, the disproportionate impacts of climate change and fostering a deep connection to the natural world. Creative expressions of a bleak reality reconciled into images of learning to live amid the Earth’s decreasing habitability. "The issue of climate change is so big that it can feel impossible to talk about," says Dr. Alysha Farrell, the Professor of Education at Brandon University who created and led the project. "But by communicating through art making, these youth--who have no choice but to talk about it--can express not just how they understand climate change but how they feel about it as well. I hope the exhibition provokes conversation in the wider community about what we can do together to ensure a livable planet for generations to come.” The exhibition will run concurrently to opimihaw, which features work by Mary Anne Barkhouse that addresses environmental futures from an Indigenous Canadian perspective, in the Main Gallery. Due to the current health and safety regulations, AGSM’s activities are subject to change. Visitors to the gallery may check on our Facebook, Instagram or Twitter for the most up-to-date information. Dr. Farrell would like to thank Brandon University and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council for aiding in the development of this project for the AGSM’s Community Gallery. (submitted)