Saturday, March 15, 2025
HomeArts & Life (Page 214)

Beyond the Box Score: Local Sports News for March 9, 2025

Full lineup released for Rockin’ The Fields Of Minnedosa 2025

Bringing Sweetness to Every Celebration: A Family’s Popcorn and Cotton Candy Business

Locally made handcrafted perogies, cabbage rolls, and dumplings now available in Brandon

Beyond the Box Score: Local Sports News for March 2, 2025

Brandon Bits and Bites #8

50th annual MBA Family of Festivals Jazz Band Festival celebrates music-making, sharing, and learning with 1,000+ students in 47 bands

Westman Communications Group Announces Connecting Westman Tour Locations

Big Laughs, Bigger Smiles…Comedy Fundraiser Round 2

Big Laughs, Bigger Smiles ROUND 2 is set to take place on Friday, October 14th at I Want that Stuff-Boardgame Empire (1150-19th St) in Brandon.  This year’s show features award winning comedian Matt Falk of Giggles Comedy Agency. The event is 18+, so no minors will be allowed. - Tickets for the event will be $20 each. - Doors will open at 6:00 with specials on food and drinks up until 7:30! - Matt will be on stage from 8-9. - Please note, tickets will not be available at the door and must be purchased in advance!! - Tickets will go on sale to the public Monday, September 5th and will be based off first come, first served!! - Tons of raffle prizes including autographed memorabilia and gift certificates will be up for grabs among others, as well as 50/50! The proceeds from this event will be donated to the Pediatrics Center in Brandon to purchase new gaming systems for the children to use during their hospital stay. The hope is to raise enough funds to purchase an Xbox One and a PlayStation 4 for the hospitalized children to use. Currently, they do not have these gaming stations and it is something that would definitely be put to use daily! The event is sponsored by James Ruser of I Want That Stuff, Jarret Kehler of Donald Legal Services and Tyler Monckton of 3% Realty. Anybody that may want to be a part of this great cause, whether it be via sponsorship, or raffle prizes is asked to contact Ryan Pandolfi at 204-725-9320 or email r_pandolfi@hotmail.com.  Your support sincerely means everything in making this event as successful as possible! Please also note that any businesses interested in being a sponsor needs to be collected by September 1st at the latest. Sponsors will also get first opportunity at a very limited amount of tickets as well as the opportunity to reserve a table!  Thank you to everyone for the support!

Making a Small Room Bigger to Buyers

When you’re putting your property on the market, you want to make it seem as big and comfortable as possible. After all, buyers are attracted to space. However, you probably have at least one room in your home — and perhaps even more — that feels small and a little cramped. Of course you don’t want the buyer’s first impression of the room to be its size. Since it isn’t practical to be knocking down walls and renovating, what should you do? Here are some ideas for making small spaces seem larger and more comfortable: Remove any items and extra furniture that make the room feel smaller than it really is. Remove any obstructions near the entranceway. You should be able to open the door fully and walk in without bumping into a desk or bookshelf. Don’t use heavy curtains on the windows. Let the light in. Use soft light bulbs with enough wattage to fill the room with full and pleasant (but not blinding) light. Less is more. Keep knickknacks, pictures and other décor items to a minimum. Keep the door fully open during viewings. Make sure there’s enough space for two people to walk in and move around without bumping into each other. Give the room a purpose. “This is the home office.” Or, “This is the comfy reading nook.” If a small room doesn’t have a reason for being, it will seem like wasted space. Want more ideas for preparing your home so that it will sell quickly and for the best price? Call today.

Understanding the Costs of Selling a Home

If you’re planning on moving, you’re probably focused on how much your new home is going to cost. However, it’s also a good idea to understand the real costs associated with selling your current property. In fact, there are some costs and expenses you may not have anticipated. Here are a few examples: Home inspection. You might think you’ll only need a home inspection for a home on which you’ve made an offer. However, it might also make sense to have a home inspection completed on your current property in order to identify potential issues that might get in the way of a sale. Buyers feel more confident when considering a home that has had a recent professional inspection. Cancellation costs. There may be extra expenses associated with canceling internet services, newspaper subscriptions, home security systems, and even lawn care services. Repairs. You should budget to get any maintenance issues, such as a broken door handle, dealt with before your home goes on the market. Staging. Tasks like getting rid of clutter, arranging for the carpets to be professionally cleaned, having the hedges trimmed, and doing other things to make the property look attractive to buyers all fall under the umbrella of “staging”. You can do much of this work yourself, or hire a professional. Moving. It’s a good idea to budget for the costs of moving. Even if you’re using a friend’s truck and planning to do most of the packing and hauling yourself, there may still be costs, such as packaging materials, gas, and perhaps even pizza for your crew. At the end of the day, these costs may turn out to be negligible when compared to the value of your property. As your REALTOR®, I can help you understand all the costs and help make the selling process go smoothly.

Disturbing the Peace

Headline Act Pre-maturely Takes their leave from Minnedosa Festival   Ironically, “Our Lady Peace” nearly created a riotous situation in Minnedosa over the weekend.  The popular 1990’s Toronto rock band was slated as the Sunday night headliner to close the annual three day Rockin’ the Fields of Minnedosa festival and had barely begun their set when the decision was made to make their exit because of an looming thunderstorm warning.   Within minutes, the threat of angry skies about was quickly eclipsed by an angered crowd of more than 3,000 and a chorus of boos rang out over the valley for the first time of the weekend.  As tempers flared and the crowd grew aggressive, the band was already tucked away on their bus and off site.   “I drove fifteen hours to see Our Lady Peace,” declared one man. “I’ll never come back to Minnedosa again.”   However, while disappointed, many spectators who were stage-side for the performance reluctantly resigned themselves to the risks of outdoor concerts and their reliance on favorable weather.   The weekend was highlighted by a show-stealing performance by Calgary rockers Loverboy on Saturday night.   “Michael Reno has my bra!,” exclaimed a noticeably flushed patron after Saturday night’s set. “Can you imagine?,” she continued, “I’m 51 years old and my bra finally made it on Loverboy’s stage!”   While the weekend featured some popular acts among the all-Canadian line up for the 13th annual festival along the eastern shore of Minnedosa Lake, few had the full engagement of the crowd like lead singer Mike Reno and company.  Belting out hits like “Lovin’ Every Minute of It” and “Workin’ for the Weekend”, even fans who appeared too young to have enjoyed the tunes when they were chart-toppers were singing along enthusiastically.  Reno, now 61, was touted by long time fans as ‘not missing a beat’ in his performance be-fitting headliner status.   But it wasn’t only the main stage performances that drew rave reviews over the weekend.  On the Heritage Co-op stage atop the hillside, a great line up of emerging artists and supporting acts was convened, including some local musicians from the area.  However, patrons were unanimous in favorable feedback for “A Travellin’ Band”, a Creedence Clearwater Revival” tribute act who paid proper tribute to their material.   It’s of interest to note that the weekend’s line-up featured the first all-Canadian slate of acts since the festival began in 2003.  Other bands on the bill included Kenny Shields & Streetheart, Sloan, 54/40 and Age of Electric.

Looking to lose weight and tone your body? ?

Looking to lose weight and tone your body? ? Train like a gymnast. I always talk to people who are wanting to lose weight, who tell me they started running and are trying to drop 30 pounds. My heart goes out to them but we are all guilty of doing this at some point in our lives. Not only is running hard on your body's joints and muscles through the repetitive movement and impact, but now they are doing it with what equates to an extra 30 or maybe 50 pound back pack on them. Why do we do this? Simple. It costs nothing and we can all walk upright on our feet so we go with what we know. No one wants to pay for a gym membership and walk around not knowing what to do, so we go to our comfort zone, even though it's boring and kills our body so we quit the next week because it's not enjoyable. Is there a better solution? Absolutely. Resistance training provides so much more benefits for your body and weight loss goals. Whether it's using your own body weight, dumbells, kettle bells, or whatever, overloading your muscles is the way to go. Let me explain as simply as I can. When you strength or resistance train, you overload your muscles. They break down and with proper nutrition and rest repair themselves and get bigger and stronger. This adaptation allows them to grow and develop. When this happens you begin to build lean muscle tissue. Lean muscle tissue incinerates calories like you wouldn't believe so you create a viscous cycle. The more you strength train the more lean muscle you build so the more calories your body burns on a daily basis. There is no pounding on your joints and you start shredding fat as it's converted back into calories your lean muscle is screaming for. It is proven that when you strength train, your body and metabolism is fired up for 39 hours after. This is called EPOC. Post Exercise Calorie Burn. Like anything in life, if you don't use it you lose it. This is true with your muscles. Atrophy or loss will set in. Look at someone's leg after they have a cast on for 6 weeks! ! The opposite happens with running or walking. When we do this it puts our body in a very catabolic state. This means breaking down, which is the opposite of anabolic (building up), as in anabolic steroids. In the absence of strength training, our body and muscles continue to break down which means less lean muscle tissue, which means less calories burned. In fact, 2 hours after running your metabolism and caloric burn is back down to normal. Not to mention that you will have to jog for an hour to burn the same calories you will doing high intensity interval training with weights in half the time. This is because when you do LISS (Low Intensity Steady State) training, like jogging for 40 minutes to an hour; you have to go at such a light intensity to keep the pace that your heart rate plateaus at about 50 to 60 percent of your maximum. Your body reaches LISS very quickly and stays there for the duration of your run. The worse part of LISS is that it converts or changes fast twitch muscle fiber into slow twitch. This not what you want! ! Unless your chosen sport is shuffle board I guess. Don't get me wrong, their is an aerobic benefit to your heart and lungs when you jog, but they don't out weigh the costs, for someone looking for weight loss. I know for a fact through the use of a heart rate monitor on clients and myself that I get closer to max HR for a longer time doing HIIT training with weights, which will give you a better aerobic benefit. Not to mention the lean muscle tissue you build that incinerates calories and the boosted metabolism for a day after. Add in the functional strength that helps you do better in every sport you play and life in general and it's a no brainer. There's a reason why gymnasts are the best athletes in the world. You can add MMA fighters to the mix if you want. They have the best strength, stamina, endurance, balance, flexibility and power pound for pound of any human being on earth. This is because they spend their day either holding up their own body weight, plus, or throwing others body weight around. To end, after reading this if you still are not convinced that you need to change your training methods, are still scared to go to a gym, or just plain love to run please do yourself one favor. . Stop going on the slow, tedious runs that take for ever and start doing HIIT anaerobic training where you sprint full out for 20 seconds then rest for 2 minutes. You will get far more benefits from this type of training in less time and it will save you the pounding. So step out of your comfort zone, join a gym, get a program from an expert, and get some results for a change! You pay a mechanic to fix your car when you can't yourself, so why would you think you can fix your body and health when you don't know how. You are a way better investment than your car will ever be!