Permits Are Required For Backyard Fire Pit Use
May 20, 2023
While we are all looking forward to enjoying warmer weather in our own backyards, Brandon Fire & Emergency Services’ Prevention Division is reminding residents that if that activity includes sitting around the fire pit, you should be sure your fire pit follows the regulations as listed on City of Brandon - Fire Permits & Forms:
To have an open air fire in your yard, you must first have an approved permit.
To apply for a fire pit permit please visit the City of Brandon website and complete the application online. Alternatively, a paper copy of the permit can be obtained at either Fire Hall #1 at 120 – 19th Street North or Fire Hall #2 at 1321 – 13th Street.
There is a $20 fee to have your fire pit inspected which can be paid online. If paying in person, you can do so at Fire Hall #1, which only accepts cash or cheque.
Before a permit is approved, an inspection of the proposed site/appliance by Brandon Fire & Emergency Services is required. The permit does not have to be renewed annually. A new application is required if property ownership has changed or if the original application has changed.
If you are renting the property, you need a letter of permission from the property owner.
Before submitting your application, be sure your fire pit appliance is within the height and width restrictions and has enclosed sides made of approved material.
A spark arrestor mesh screen, made of metal, with openings no larger than half an inch is to be used. The brick, stone, concrete, or heavy gauge metal must be separated from grass and any other vegetation by at least six (6) inches by means of clean earth, sand, gravel or non-combustible medium.
At least five (5) feet of clearance must be maintained from the fire pit edge and buildings, property lines or other combustibles.
Grass, rubbish, and leaves cannot be burned within the city limits.
If fire pits are used without the necessary permit, offenders may be ticketed without warning. The fee for failing to comply with the policy is $400.00, as per the Open Air Fire Policy 30.
The use of outdoor burning appliances is limited to the hours between 12:00 p.m. and 12:00 a.m. Fires must always be supervised to prevent their spread. A person may apply for a special permit to extend the hours of use if the outdoor burning appliance is being used for cultural or ceremonial purposes.