Saturday, September 28, 2024
HomeLocal News (Page 236)

Police arrest 2 females for unrelated offences contrary to the LGCCA

Man Arrested After Brandishing Stolen Knife in Public, Violating Release Order

Manitoba Government on Track to Hire 1,000 Net New Health-Care Workers

Crime Stoppers Wanted and Crime of the Week for September 26, 2024

Manitoba extends gas tax holiday

Health care support workers set strike date for October 8

Keystone Centre Unveils “Seat of Truth” to Promote Truth and Reconciliation in Westoba Place

Early morning bear spray attack reported in Brandon

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MPI Requesting 2.8 Per Cent Decrease and Additional $155M Rebate to Customers

Manitoba Public Insurance filed its provisional 2022/23 General Rate Application with the Public Utilities Board (PUB) today, requesting an average rate decrease of 2.8 per cent. As part of this application, MPI will be removing the Capital Release provision which previously has translated into a discount of five per cent as part of the overall rate. To offset this adjustment and return surplus capital to Manitobans, MPI is planning on filing a separate application with the PUB later this year with a rebate request currently estimated at $155 million. If approved, the rebate would be equivalent to a rate reduction of approximately 15 per cent and it would be returned to its customers through a one-time rebate cheque in early 2022. “MPI informed us of their intention to rebate its excess capital from the Basic line of business this spring and apply to PUB for the distribution of the special rebate later this year,” Crown Services Minister Jeff Wharton announced today. “Manitobans have been financially impacted by the pandemic,” said Wharton. “We are pleased that this rebate will be welcome news for our community as we all work together in getting through this challenging time in our province.” This will be the third year in a row MPI has requested a rate decrease in its annual General Rate Application and third rebate in little more than a year. To date, customers have received a total of $179 million in rebates. “I am pleased that our team continues to focus on putting the interest of Manitobans at the forefront and we are able to deliver on our promise of maintaining stable and predictable rates which remain among the most affordable in Canada while providing exceptional coverage and service to Manitobans,” explained Eric Herbelin, President & CEO, Manitoba Public Insurance. If both requests are approved by the PUB, MPI customers will benefit from receiving a rebate cheque of between approximately $150 to $200 per average policyholder. If approved, the average premium for a passenger vehicle will be about $1,130. “Combining the 2.8 per cent decrease in cost of break-even policies, in addition to other financial adjustments, the average net impact on customer premium for the 2022/23 insurance year would equal a total approximate average of 13 per cent reduction in Autopac premium,” said Herbelin. MPI’s request at the time of the filing is provisional, based on its fiscal-year end financials, current interest rates, and estimated COVID-based claims savings in 2021/22. The PUB hearings will begin in October, concluding later in the month. The PUB normally issues its order in December. “The financial strength of MPI has allowed us to make a request to give back to our customers in the form of a one-time rebate,” said Herbelin. “The benefit to customers is reflective of the strength of the public auto insurance model.” The proposed rates would be effective April 1, 2022, but because renewal dates are staggered, some vehicle owners won’t pay their new rates until March 31, 2023.
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Fireworks Are Not Allowed Within City Limits

Brandon Fire & Emergency Services is reminding residents that Fireworks are not allowed to be set off within city limits. Pursuant to City of Brandon Fireworks By-law #7200 – P31, no person shall purchase fireworks, fire, set off, or otherwise ignite any fireworks in or above the City except under a permit issued by the Fire Chief. Additionally, if any fireworks are purchased at a retailer within the City of Brandon, the retailer must provide a waiver form for the purchaser to sign stating that the fireworks will not be set off within the City of Brandon. Individuals found to be in contravention of the Fireworks By-Law may face a fine of anywhere between $200 and $1,000. Permits are only authorized for special events on the authority of the Fire Chief who has approved the application after all necessary requirements have been met. (City of Brandon PSA)
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Man facing multiple charges, including assaulting a police officer

Source: Brandon Police Service Media Release On June 24th, shortly after 11:00 pm, officer attended to a residence on Confederation Bay for a report of a man causing problems there. The male subject is on a court order to not communicate with a resident and was the subject of an arrest warrant.  When officers attempted to arrest him, he backed into a bedroom and swung at the officer, striking one of them in the arm.  The man then was able to break free and run away.  Attempts to locate him, including use of the Police Service Dog, were unsuccessful. A warrant was obtained for his arrest.  On Friday morning, officer checked the address on Confederation Bay and the man was located there.  The accused, a 28 year old from Thompson, was arrested and appeared in court on Friday afternoon on charges of Assault Peace Officer, Resisting Arrest and Breach of Probation.
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Province Launches New $30 Million Healthy Hire Manitoba Program

The Manitoba government is introducing the $30 million Healthy Hire Manitoba Program, a new wage support to help private-sector employers reopen and encourage employees to get vaccinated and return to work, Premier Brian Pallister announced today. “As we emerge from this third wave towards a post-pandemic Manitoba with fewer restrictions and more freedoms, our focus remains on getting all eligible Manitobans fully vaccinated, as quickly and safely as possible,” said Pallister. “As we continue to loosen restrictions this summer as vaccination rates increase, this new wage support will help ensure a smooth and steady reopening path and support employers as they staff up to offer Manitobans the goods and services they rely on and enjoy most.” Under the Healthy Hire Manitoba Program, local employers can apply for up to $50,000 in provincial support to help cover the wages of new employees who can attest they have been vaccinated or will be vaccinated. Eligible employers will receive a grant equivalent to 50 per cent of wages for a maximum of 10 employees, with a maximum of $5,000 per employee. The wage support covers full pay periods for employees hired on or after June 10, 2021 with the last pay period ending Oct. 15. Employers must be an active and permanent Manitoba-based business, not-for-profit or registered charity physically operating in the province. The Healthy Hire Manitoba Program is available for newly-hired employees who started working no earlier than June 10 or a rehired employee who worked for that employer in a previous year or who was laid off as a result of the public health restrictions. “The Healthy Hire Manitoba Program will incentivize employers to safely bring more employees back to work and encourage more Manitobans to get fully vaccinated,” said Pallister. “This new program supports our ‘4-3-2-One Great Summer’ Reopening Path, which rewards Manitobans with greater freedoms and fewer restrictions on our lives and economy as more of us get vaccinated.” Pallister noted that employers that are participating in a different government program may receive funding from Healthy Hire Manitoba to hire additional employees. More information and full eligibility criteria for the new Healthy Hire Manitoba Program will be posted online next week and listed with other COVID-19 support programs for individuals and businesses at https://manitoba.ca/covid19/programs/index.html. (Province of MB News Release)
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Provincial Exhibition Board of Directors Excited to be Planning Manitoba Ag Ex

“It is with great excitement and anticipation that we are thrilled to announce that Ag Ex 2021 will take place October 27th-30th. Cattle producers look forward to exhibiting their cattle at Manitoba’s largest purebred cattle show.” says Dallas Johnston, co-chair of the Manitoba Ag Ex committee. Manitoba Ag Ex is the largest all-breeds cattle show in Manitoba. It usually attracts exhibitors and guests from Manitoba,Saskatchewan, and Alberta. In past years we have hosted prestigious national cattle shows and sales for many breeds,which are major draws for cattle producers across Canada. In addition to breed specific shows, the Manitoba Ag Ex hosts a Jackpot Heifer Show, Bull Show, and Junior Show all culminating in the Supreme Breed Extravaganza, which sends winners on to Canadian Western Agribition in Regina.Along with the cattle portion of the event it was expanded to feature additional agricultural entertainment and events in past years. After the cancellations of all our major events since the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair in March of 2020, the planning for Manitoba Ag Ex has commenced in the hope that health restrictions in October will allow the event to take place. “We are thrilled to get back at what we do best and thankful our Board of Directors can make the long overdue announcement of the return of one of our Fairs!Thanks to our community and partners for their support during this pandemic!Our organization will be ready to host a fantastic event this coming October”.–Greg Crisanti, President of the Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba. We are looking forward to bringing people together once again and celebrating the resilience of Manitoba’s agricultural community with an event that families have attended for generations. So, it is with great joy that we say, “Mark your calendars!” Manitoba Ag Ex is coming to the Keystone Centre October 27th to October 30th, 2021! Stay tuned for more details coming soon! *Please note: This event will only take place if health orders at the time allow. All Manitoba Health Orders will be followed and plans for safety and sanitation during the event will be released at a later date.