15.2 C
Brandon, CA
Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Rapid Access to Addictions Medicine Clinics Open in Brandon and Thompson

BRANDON—Two more Rapid Access to Addictions Medicine (RAAM) clinics have opened in Brandon and Thompson, offering front-line help for Manitobans in different regions of the province suffering from addictions, Justice Minister Cliff Cullen announced here today. “RAAM clinics provide assessment, counselling, the prescribing of appropriate medication, and connections for patients to community treatment programs and…

New Penalties for Distracted Driving to Come Into Effect Nov. 1

Changes under The Highway Traffic Act and the Drivers and Vehicles Act that come into force Nov. 1 will allow for short-term roadside licence suspensions for using a cellphone or other hand-operated electronic devices while driving, Infrastructure Minister Ron Schuler announced today. “Our government is focused on keeping Manitobans safe, and we are determined to…

Province to hold pre-budget public consultation meeting in Brandon

Budget 2019’s pre-budget consultations will soon be underway and Manitobans are encouraged to take the opportunity to share their ideas and views for the upcoming provincial budget, Finance Minister Scott Fielding announced today. “From health care to public safety and infrastructure investments, we understand that fiscal sustainability is essential to protecting our ability to invest…

23yr old Brandon man arrested after allegedly trying to rob business on Willowdale Cres

Source:  Brandon Police Service Media Release On Sunday evening at approximately 9:37pm, a panic alarm was received from a business in the 000 block of Willowdale Crescent. Staff indicated there was a robbery in progress. A second call was received of a robbery in progress. The suspect entered the business, grabbed items from a victim…

MPI continues loan program for winter tires

Since its introduction four years ago, more than 100,000 low-interest loans have been processed under the province’s Winter Tire Program, Crown Services Minister Colleen Mayer and Manitoba Public Insurance announced today. “Prior to this program, Manitoba had one of the lowest rates of winter tire use in all of Canada,” said Mayer. “Thanks to this…
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