Thursday, March 6, 2025
HomeLocal News (Page 643)

Project STEEL leads to the arrest of 106 online child sex offenders

Reported stabbing downtown, 2 suspects arrested

Brutal Assault and Robbery in Downtown Business: Four Youths Arrested

Brandon Bits and Bites #8

Late night “shopper” tracked by K9 and busted with shopping cart full of stolen liquor

Crime Stoppers Wanted for February 28, 2025

Province Issues February Flood Outlook

Pursuit with Arrests

Collision at the intersection of 18th Street and Victoria Ave

Two vehicles have collided at the intersection of 18th Street and Victoria Ave resulting in some minor traffic delays. The accident happened Monday afternoon and alternative traffic routes have been setup.   Reports indicate that no-one was hurt in the accident.  BPS remained on site redirecting traffic, as shown below in the user submitted photos.

Fotheringham Drive motor vehicle collision update

Brandon Police Service Media Release Brandon Police Service is reporting that a 2014 Dodge Caravan, driven by a 27-year old Brandon female, collided with 4 parked vehicles in the area of the zero hundred block of E. Fotheringham Drive. The incident happened at approximately 9:45 pm on Saturday night. Police believe the vehicle may have been travelling at a high rate of speed at the time of the collision. The driver had to be extracted by Brandon Fire and Emergency Service as she had been trapped in her car following the collision. The driver was taken to hospital and police say that alcohol does appear to be a factor at this time. No charges have yet been laid and the incident is still under investigation. Possible charges likely to follow.

Multiple vehicles damaged on Fotheringham Drive

There are reports of multiple vehicles being damaged in a collision on Fotheringham Drive, just outside of the Riverheights School. BDNMB.CA received word late Saturday night, from a loyal follower, who said he was playing tennis on the courts at the Wheat City Golf Course when he heard what he thought was the sound of vehicles making contact with one another.  He tells bdnmb.ca that, despite the distance, he could hear the impact "clear as day".   No other details are available at this time.  Police and ambulance remain on scene. Submitted photos by Scott Rouire.

MB Government issues RFP for affordable home ownership

The Manitoba government has issued a request for proposals (RFP) from qualified organizations interested in creating home ownership opportunities for low- to moderate-income families, Families Minister Scott Fielding announced today. “Our government believes in finding ways to make it easier for more Manitobans to become homeowners,” said Fielding. “Owning a home can provide a sense of safety, security and pride for families.” Manitoba Housing has allocated $1 million for two RFPs as part of its affordable home ownership development programs. The first seeks projects to provide capital funding for new construction, renovating existing homes and conversions. The second focuses on homebuyer assistance, which could include funding for down payment and closing costs. Eligible RFP applicants include municipalities, private and public or municipal non-profit housing corporations, housing co-operatives and private developers. Projects must focus on homeowners whose total household income is at or below $71,255.  Homes must contain two or more bedrooms, either as detached, semi-detached, duplex or attached units. Manitoba Housing is able to provide a one-time fully-forgivable loan and will waive repayment if selected terms and conditions are met. Loans may be provided on a per-unit basis and the amount of the loan will be determined based on the project details. The maximum amount of financial assistance available through both RFPs is $70,000 per unit. The province will use a competitive process to select the most appropriate and cost-effective proposals. Intake is now open, with a deadline of 4 p.m., Friday, Oct. 6. The RFP documents and related information are available online at www.gov.mb.ca/housing/progs/rfp-homeownership-2.html.

Brandon First searching for new champion

After more than three years at the helm, Jackie Nichol has decided to leave her post at Brandon First, which leaves the organization searching for a new Executive Director. Brandon First is non-profit organization that started in 2003 by local community members who were so passionate about event tourism that they formed a group to focus entirely on bringing events to Brandon. The goal of the organization is to promote Brandon as a host city and to work with event organizers to ensure their events are as successful as possible. Data and research has shown that event tourism has a positive impact on the economy and community pride. Nichol has largely been the face of the organization, proactively promoting the City of Brandon as a host city, highlighting the venues and resources that we have here. She said that the decision to accept a new position at Brandon University is bittersweet. “Brandon First is my passion and is very near and dear to my heart. I come from an events background, so it has been a hard decision for me, but one that I was poised to make at this point in time for me professionally,” said Nichol. “I loved what I do here and I love what the organization stands for and I work with an amazing group of people. The volunteer board is set to do some great things in the foreseeable future and they are very committed to continuing the momentum that we have right now. Brandon First is in a great position, so we don’t want to lose any of that.” The group currently operates under a 12-member board of directors and is supported by the City of Brandon, Travel Manitoba and over 50 stakeholders. For more information on bringing an event to Brandon or upcoming events, visit: http://www.brandonfirst.com.