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Wednesday, June 26, 2024
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Thin Ice

Find stability before the WHL puts Winnipeg on Ice By - Keith Borkowsky For whatever reason, the Winnipeg Ice are a cursed franchise. It’s not because of on-ice operations — the Ice franchise has won three Western Hockey League championships, a Memorial Cup, and could win both this year. As the Winnipeg Ice, the franchise…

Black and Gold Gala announced

The Western Hockey League’s Brandon Wheat Kings are pleased to announce that the 2023 Black and Gold Gala (formerly The Sportsman’s Dinner) presented by Q Country is scheduled for Thursday, March 23rd, at the  Victoria Inn. The event, which had been held annually to raise money for the hockey club’s Player Development Fund is returning.…

Brandon’s Duo Leads Calgary to success

Bradley "Scoob" Schoonbaert is finishing his final USPORTS season with the Calgary Dino's on a high note to quote Jerry Seinfeld with 25 points in 25 games.  Not to mention Connor Gutenberg whom is in his second season with Calgary has over a point a game. Gutenberg Schoonbaert will graduate and will be playing hockey…

Introducing Crokicurl At Brandon’s Community Sportsplex

(City of Brandon PSA) The City of Brandon is excited to announce that crokicurl, a new outdoor sport, is now available at Brandon’s Community Sportsplex (30 Knowlton Drive). Crokicurl is a large-scale hybrid of curling and the board game crokinole. Iconic in its octagonal form, the rink combines the familiar red and blue painted rings of…

MENTALLO looking forward to wrestling in Brandon again

It's been over 3-years since MENTALLO last found himself inside a wrestling ring in Brandon. The 26-year vet of the squared circle will be appearing on the upcoming Cloud 9 Wrestling show in Brandon on February 25th and he is looking forward to entertaining the fans of Brandon once again. The first time he wrestled…
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