Cities Church Drive-In Service

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Come out and enjoy this night with your family at our Drive-in Service on New Year’s Eve!

Let’s end 2020 strong with faith and joy as we gather (in our vehicles) to celebrate the goodness of God. You will enjoy songs of worship and hear an inspiring message from Pastor Ben Karuhije, that will send you into 2021 with hope. And best of all, we’ll be together! This is event is free and open to all.

*Due to the current public health orders, each vehicle can only contain people from one household. Thank you!

-Quote from Pastor Ben Karuhije:
“As a church, we love being part of the community of the city of Brandon. Like everyone else in our city, we have felt the burdens of 2020, and we want to help people start 2021 with hope and faith. Typically we host one or two public events every year, outside of our regular services, to contribute to the welfare and progress of our city. Last year we hosted an event for business leaders called “Leadercast”, as well as our annual “Christmas at the Centennial” production. Even though we couldn’t hold large events this year, we are grateful for the opportunity to gather in vehicles- and hopefully our New Year’s Drive-In Service will be a source of joy and optimism for our city. No matter what you believe, I believe this event will fill you with hope!”