City of Brandon Launches Online Inventory of Developable Lands

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Brandon, MB – An inventory of developable industrial and commercial properties in Brandon is now available online at, a move that is anticipated will better position Brandon “on the radar” of potential  investors and developers worldwide.

A key action under the “Organizing for Competitiveness” pillar within Brandon’s Prosperity by Design Economic Growth Strategy, the online inventory was developed by Economic Development Brandon, which worked with the City of Brandon’s Development Services Division, area realtors, and landowners themselves to gather and compile the information. Properties now listed within the inventory on Economic Development Brandon’s website range from large greenfield parcels in Brandon’s East Industrial Development Zone, to mid-sized vacant infill properties, to smaller, developed sites in the City’s historic downtown.

The site features two separate categories of developable land in Brandon: commercial and industrial. Each land category allows for the review of available opportunities in map format to show development opportunities in proximity to others, or via a searchable table to allow the user to narrow the options based on desired site attributes. Each property listing also includes a profile in PDF format, containing relevant information such as parcel size, property taxes, and land assessment. Mapping layers that show a property’s associated utility sizes and locations will be added in the near future.

City of Brandon Director of Economic Development Sandy Trudel says their main goal in developing the inventory was to simplify the process of connecting development opportunities with those looking to invest and or develop, whether it be for growth of existing businesses or the attraction of new industries.

“Among the sites listed within the inventory are those that otherwise wouldn’t have an online presence, and we know that many site selectors do much of their searching online prior to reaching out to potential markets,” says Trudel. “The inventory will help ensure Brandon is ‘in the game’ at the outset of such a search, and make it as easy as possible for interested parties looking to invest to find what they need.”

Trudel notes that the online inventory builds on the extensive internal property listing already maintained by Economic Development Brandon, which allows them to respond to investment opportunities in a timely fashion.

“Our online inventory will truly be a living list, with development opportunities added and removed in real time,” adds Trudel. “Economic Development Brandon will continue to facilitate the connection between investors and property owners, with property negotiations occurring directly between the buyer and seller.”