Community Connection: 20 Questions with Scott Glennie

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BDNMB.CA had a chance to talk to former Brandon Wheat King and Dallas Stars first round draft pick Scott Glennie.   Many people do not realize that Scott now calls Brandon home as he works as a player agent for 2112 Hockey Agency and College Hockey Family Advisor

How has the Covid 19 virus effected your professional life and also social calendar: No more trips , and my social calendar doesn’t exist. Couldn’t tell you what day of the week it is most of the time.

Why are you not playing hockey today: Embarrassingly enough. A bunion . And a cheese toast (bad) surgeon .

Do you have an interesting skill that people wouldn’t know about: Great cook

Favourite dating APP: Crazy question . Rather not say

TV show you could watch 20 times or more: Seinfeld

Are you close with Wheat King alumni and if so who: Well there’s a few of them , had a great time at Andrew Hayes wedding . And I’ll shout out Jon Gaudet even though the guy was in way over his head for his 10 games.  Also can’t forget J Pap and Brendan Walker

Favourite mealSteak , potatoes

Biggest regret in life: Going to Vegas with garbs in 2012

Guilty pleasure: Grilled cheese sandwich

Most respected coach or person during your hockey career: Kelly McCrimmon

Trump or Biden, and why: Not overly political person but at least Trump can make me laugh

Would you like to be a guest on Bar Rescue: No . Can’t take that guy screaming about nothing

Worst pick up line:  Do you know who I am ?

Biggest celebrity you have met: Eric Church

Favourite NFL team: Was New England but I’m sticking with Tom . Bucs