Fired feeds the soup kitchen

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Last month the team at Fired Pizzaria decided that they would like to seek out an opportunity to “Fire It Forward” as they say at their restaurant. After only a few moments, it was decided that they would reach out to the Helping Hands Soup Kitchen, and see if there was any interest in catering a meal for a day. What a silly question! Of course their was!

All of the Fired staff who came in at 6 am that morning to start working on preparing the meal – volunteered their time. Their food supplier – Gordon Food Service – graciously donated (without so much as barely being asked) flour, cheese and romaine lettuce. The team at Fired Pizzaria provided pizza and salad for 150 people that day, and owner/operator Jamie Munro says that without the help of his team, and and his food vendor, the project might never have taken place.

“I can assure you without the gracious donation of time from our staff and food from Gordon Food Service – Fired Pizzaria would not have been able to do this once; let alone again.”

During this good deed, Jamie himself took something away from the experience, outside of just providing a meal to those in need. “We met some of the most wonderful and grateful people. The smiles on their faces told us we’d done something of value. The integrity and dedication of the staff and volunteers of the Helping Hands Soup Kitchen was heart warming.”

Now, Jamie and his team, are inviting other local pizza restaurants in Brandon to come together to commit to providing pizza one day a month, for six months, to the Helping Hands Soup Kitchen. By Jamie’s estimation each pizza place would likely have to donate between 5-8 pizzas once a month, and provide delivery to the facility. The Helping Hands staff would then look after distributing the food.

Pizza places, and/or restaurants, wishing to join in the creation of this coalition can email Jamie @

Jamie’s son helps distribute pizza, and salad, for 150 people.