Former Wheat King enters beef market

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Former Wheat King Mark Derlago and his wife Jenna have come up with a business venture that hits close to home for the couple. Billy’s Beef is a 5th Generation farm bringing hormone and antibiotic free beef to your door. The company has a number of different steak and multi-pack options to select from including ground beef, ribeye, New York, sirloin, beef roasts, cross rib roasts and more.

BDNMB.CA had the opportunity to reach out to Mark today to discuss his decision to enter the beef business.

BDNMB.CA: Explain to our readers how this business came about…and other than Jenna & yourself, who is operating Billy’s Beef?
Derlago – I have been married to Jenna for 9 years and her family farms just outside of Hartney.   We have always had a home in Brandon and lived there but we spend a majority of the time at the farm.   My in-laws really enjoy hosting parties and dinners and the conversation always tends to revolve around how good the meat or burgers steaks etc are.   So we thought lets share this and market it and let everyone experience it.   Myself and Jenna are the marketing and sales part of the business and Mike Morrison is out at the farm and raises the animals.

BDNMB – I have known you for about 20 years, been your hockey agent in Europe and Japan, and I have never seen this entrepreneurial side of you, so what happened?
Derlago –  Hockey is my passion and I love it and love being part of the Wheat Kings coaching staff and I plan on continuing that career for as long as I can,  but we thought it was a great time and opportunity to start marketing this beef.

BDNMB – Why is buying direct from you better than Safeway etc?
Derlago – Our beef has never been treated with antibiotics and hormones, it is aged 21 days which is unique and will enhance the tenderness.  It is truly farm to table plus we truly enjoy what we do.

BDNMB – How can people order and see your prices?
Derlago – We are on Instagram at billys.beef and on Twitter at @billysbeef and Email is  Our website will be launched in a few weeks.

Congrats to Mark and Jenna on this new enterprise.