Get your vehicle ready for winter

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CAA Manitoba News Release

Winnipeg, November 6, 2017 – As the temperature drops to -19 Celsius overnight tonight, Manitobans will find out very quickly if their vehicle and battery are ready for winter.

“Tonight’s frozen temperatures might test your vehicle’s ability to turn over in the morning, especially if your battery is around three to five years old,” says Erika Miller, public and media relations specialist for CAA Manitoba. “In cold temperatures, it can take almost twice as much of your battery’s charge to start your engine. Now is the time to get your battery tested and winterize your vehicle, if you haven’t already.”

Drivers are encouraged to give their car a good look over and follow four guidelines for a winter-worthy vehicle to cut down on potential issues.

Four guidelines for a winter-worthy vehicle:

1. Ready your ride – Test your battery and block heater, install winter tires, and top up antifreeze and windshield wiper fluids with temperature-appropriate solutions.

2. Ensure you can see safely – The sun rises and sets earlier in winter, which means our daily commute is generally in the dark. Visit your local Approved Auto Repair Services location to check and replace any headlights, taillights, signal lights or hazard lights and remember to turn them on before you head out. If need be, install new wiper blades to help clear your windshield effectively in snowy, wet weather.

3. Prevent frozen locks – Thanks to keyless electronic entry, people may not need to use their physical locks until their doors won’t seem to open. Don’t get caught in the cold! Inject lock deicer lubricant in the locks on your doors and use a spray lubricant on trunk and hood seals to help safeguard against being stuck outside. Remember to reapply the de-icer after washing your vehicle or a particularly rainy or snowy day.

4. Be prepared with a roadside emergency kit – Ensure your kit has enough food and water for the number of passengers you’re travelling with, along with tools, weatherproof emergency flares, and blankets. Prepackaged emergency kits are available at any CAA store.

CAA Manitoba reminds motorists that when weather changes, driving conditions can change quickly too. Black ice can develop on bridges and overpasses when winds pick up. Slowing down and driving to conditions, and keeping a safe stopping distance between cars can help prevent a costly collision.