Goalie Beer Store Robbery Immortalized by Scarecrow Competition

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This is pure gold.

Anyone who lives in Manitoba, and perhaps most of Canada, is fully aware of the video which went viral of a thief dressed as an old hockey goalie robbing a local beer store in Russell, Manitoba on August 15th, 2016. While the video alone is funny enough on it's own merit someone from the community has now stamped their own brand of original humor onto the situation. One creative, and imaginative family, has recreated the now famous images from the popular security video utilizing scarecrows to decorate their front lawn as part of Russell's “Scarecrow Competition” during their annual Beef & Barley Festival week long celebrations.

Each year the Russell Beef & Barley Festival holds a Scarecrow contest where homes are encouraged to decorate their front yards with the best scarecrow design in hopes of winning one of four different award categories: best single household, best multi household, best business and best traditional scare crow. Winners of the Scarecrow Contest are to be announced at the Pancake Breakfast on Saturday October 8th. Expect entry #15, below, to take home at least one of the different categories at that pancake breakfast.

Scarecrow Competition Russell MB

Photo: Damien McNabb