Health Risks are Real: Are you prepared?

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At the very least, we all have read about how a critical illness can impact an individual but it is more likely that we have experienced that impact ourselves either personally or with a close friend or family experiencing an illness. Being proactive, before an illness strikes, in applying for critical illness coverage can make a huge difference in every way should you ever need to make a claim. And, with some critical illness policies, if you never need to make a claim you can get all the money you paid in premiums returned to you.

Critical Uncovered is a one-stop resource to help you learn about critical illnesses and how critical illness insurance can help your physical, mental and financial well being. Visit this link: to take the quiz “Are you prepared?” and to see a series of 3 short videos about Sandra’s story. Sandra was diagnosed with lymphoma and she explains her experience with critical illness insurance.

Speak to a financial professional who has their Accident & Sickness License to find out more detail about how you can be protected with a critical illness policy.