Local artist pays tribute to Brandon in a series of stunning paintings

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June 13, 2018 marked the 27th anniversary of Weiming Zhao’s move from China to Brandon. To help celebrate the date, he recently updated and shared his Facebook album of a collection of hundreds of plein air paintings and drawings that he has created over the last 15 years.  Plein air paintings refer to “leaving the four walls of your studio behind and experiencing painting and drawing in the landscape”.

Weiming has been painting almost daily for the last 15 years producing a portfolio of close to 6 thousand works of art. Most of his work is available for purchase and there are a few galleries and gift art craft stores selling his paintings in Manitoba today. Woodlands Gallery in Winnipeg is the gallery that represents his work. He mostly sells his work directly from his home studio which is 35 Balmoral Bay in Brandon.

On average , Weiming spends about two hours on each painting.  His works are collected from all over Canada, United States, Russia, England and China. There are 14 pieces of his work in the Manitoba Provincial Art Collection. He has had 19 solo art shows over the past 15 years, and his paintings of Riding Mountain National Park are very popular among art collectors.

Weiming tells bdnmb.ca that he started to paint daily in this way in the summer of 2003 trying to showcase the beauty of Brandon which he had called home for so many years.

You can follow his work, and see more paintings of Brandon, on his Facebook page.  For more on Weiming, and his journey, please click here.

Photo: https://www.facebook.com/weimingart/

Photo: https://www.facebook.com/weimingart/

Photo: https://www.facebook.com/weimingart/

Photo: https://www.facebook.com/weimingart/

Photo: https://www.facebook.com/weimingart/

Photo: https://www.facebook.com/weimingart/

Photo: https://www.facebook.com/weimingart/

Photo: https://www.facebook.com/weimingart/