Local Florist Earns Prestigious AIFD Designation
On July 4th Trish Fjeldsted CFD added AIFD to her list of credentials. Accredited membership in AIFD is extremely selective and can be obtained only after a candidate has effectively demonstrated advanced professional ability of his or her floral artistry. Members proudly wear the “AIFD” addendum on their name to demonstrate that their peers have selected them to become accredited members of American Institute of Floral Design. They must continue to demonstrate their cutting edge art by meeting specified continuing education requirements and by helping pass on their expertise to others.
What an incredible family I am now part of. The only thing that AIFD fosters more than the continuing education and growth of floral designers and the floral industry, is a constant feeling of community and friendship.
We are so proud that Trish has been recognized by her peers in this way and we are proud to claim one of about 50 AIFD accredited floral designer’s in Canada, right here in Brandon! Congratulations on reaching a lifelong dream, we can’t wait to see what you will reach for next!