Manitobans Encouraged to Host Lemonade Stands for Hope this Summer

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It’s the season for lemonade stands and this summer CancerCare Manitoba Foundation is asking Manitobans to host a stand for a good cause. Lemonade Stands for Hope is the perfect opportunity for kids, teens, and anyone young at heart to create hope and raise important funds for CancerCare Manitoba. Families, friends, businesses, community teams, leagues or groups can all host a lemonade stand!

Upon registering, stand holders will receive supplies to host their stand including a free starter kit, online donation page, and tools to help them promote their stand.

“My daughters and nephew hold their lemonade stand on our driveway each year and seeing all of our family, friends, and neighbours coming together to support the kids is so special,” said Nikki Phaneuf. “A couple of years ago a young girl we know was diagnosed with Leukemia and the kids wanted to do something to help…so we held a lemonade stand and have been doing it every year since.”

 Getting started is easy!

  1. Register your stand online at
  2. Pick up your free starter kit from the Foundation at 825 Sherbrook Street
    (Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.)
  3. Host your Lemonade Stand for Hope anytime over the weekend of July 14-16, or anytime this summer

Manitobans are encouraged to rally their community to support their lemonade stand while they raise funds for crucial research, patient care, and support services at CancerCare Manitoba. All funds raised from Lemonade Stands for Hope stay in Manitoba and help cancer patients and their families.