Meet WK’s New Assistant GM Mickey McCrimmon

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Without a doubt one of the youngest executives in the WHL this season will be 30 year old Brandon product, (I sound like Luber a bit) Mickey McCrimmon. Mick’s hockey career has featured stops in the MJHL, SJHL, BCHL, NCAA and CIS.

Today he was announced as the Wheat Kings new Assistant GM working along with Grant Armstrong who was also annouced the new GM.

We had a moment to talk to Mick today about this new role.

BDNMB – Mick was this kind of a shock to you at all?
Mickey – No not really at all I spoke to dad earlier in the spring about working in some capacity. For the last three years I have attended league meetings and seen the business side. Since the spring obviously the role has expanded.

BDNMB – What is your immediate role?
Mickey – To get the know the league as good as possible, plus all our prospects.

BDNMB – Was the plan in the spring and today totally different?
Mickey – No, not really. I was basically going to do lots of the same except I would have my dad being my mentor.

Brandon Wheat Kings WHL Champiosn 2016

New Wheat Kings Assitant GM, Mikey McCrimmon, with his father Kelly after winning the 2016 WHL Championship.  Photo:  Brandon Wheat Kings Hockey Club

BDNMB – One thing I marvel at is the scouts that have a love for the game watching 220 – 240 games a season like Mike Fraser and others, will you be doing the same?
Mickey – No I will be at as many home games as possible and AAA Bantam and major tournaments and doing lots of travel around the league.

BDNMB – Will you have a special hotline to call Kelly before pulling the trigger on a deal?
Mickey – No dad will be respectful of the boundaries of the league, so Grant and myself are doing this full time, and it is our decision. However we will still rely on all our coaches and scouts to make decisions… it is done by committee.

BDNMB – I saw a line on a college hockey ad that said Talent Gets You Noticed ….. Character Gets You Recruited would this be the same for the Wheat Kings and the WHL?
Mickey – You have to be such a complete person today to be become a pro…the standard is so high and how your treat your body and off ice to how you cultivate yourself as a person.

BDNMB – Predictions for the Wheat Kings this season?
Mickey – We still have Duke and Kaspick and Patrick and Jordan will be one of the best goalies in the league so we have potential for a very good season.


Best of luck Mick from all of us at BDNMB.CA