Pride in the Picture:  Our Manitoba

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Is there any doubt that Manitoba is a beautiful and friendly place to live?  We have beauty and tranquility right outside our doorstep: lush green rolling hills, big skies on long summer days, cozy communities full of friendly people, and gorgeous seasons rich with diverse colors and activities.  Even when the weather seems to be a bit confused (like it has been lately), we have much of interest to be thankful for!

Then what could be more perfect than to view this diverse beauty through the eyes of real Manitobans – our friends and neighbors that live and work right here in rural Manitoba.  The Our Manitoba Photo Contest has provided a unique opportunity to do just that.

Photo brandon Mb

This photo contest was created out of the true spirit of partnership.  Since its inception, Sunrise Credit Union, Keywest Photo image by design inc, and The Art Gallery of Southwestern Manitoba have come together to create a great experience for hobbyists and enthusiasts of photography.  Sunrise Credit Union facilitates an easy-to-use online submission for digital images, Keywest Photo image by design inc. produces archival canvas prints as prizes for top winners of the contest (14 in all), and a gala reception is held at the Art Gallery of Southwestern Manitoba where the winning canvas prints are proudly displayed for several weeks.  The top winners, which are chosen in a public vote, are also featured in a calendar for the following year.

Keywest Photo Brandon Mb

The first Our Manitoba Photo Contest was held in 2013, and since then over 900 photos have been submitted online with over 400 people attending the grand unveiling at the Art Gallery of Southwestern Manitoba.  This year, submissions for the contest will be accepted up until April 21st.

Art Gallery Southwestern Mb

It all begins with a photograph.  It could be of geese on a river, or a beautiful sunset at harvest, or children playing in the water in the spring, a field of fresh flowers, or a frost-covered tree in winter.  The smallest everyday occurrence, while seemingly ordinary, contains a moment of clarity and beauty.   As people, we all have the potential of being uniquely creative, of seeing and communicating our world in interesting and different ways.  And as residents of Manitoba, we have incredible subject matter that we can bring to life!  

Outdoors Brandon MB

To take a glimpse into our Manitoba and see this year’s contest entries so far, visit the following link:

Do you have a beautiful image that personifies Manitoba?  Visit here to learn more and submit to the contest!

Crocus Brandon MB