Public Hearing on the City of Brandon 2019 Financial Plan

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PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to subsection 162(2) of The Municipal Act that the Council of The City of Brandon intends to present its financial plan for the fiscal year 2019 at a public hearing that will be held in the Council Chamber, Civic Administration Building (2nd Floor), 410 – 9th Street, Brandon, on Monday, March 4, 2019 at 7:00 PM.

The 2019 Financial Plan includes proposed borrowing of $1,700,000 (One million seven hundred thousand) for the 34th Street Extension from Pacific Avenue to McDonald Avenue.

The borrowing will be repaid over 10 years at a maximum interest rate of 5.875% per year.  The annual repayment amount will be no more than $229,609.64 to be levied annually as part of the general municipal levy.

First reading of Borrowing By-law No. 7232 will also occur on March 4, 2019, following the public hearing.

The meeting is open to the general public and Council will hear any person who wishes to make a representation, ask questions, or register an objection to the proposed financial plan.

Copies of the 2019 financial plan and proposed By-law No. 7232 will be available to the public in the City Clerk’s Office, 410 – 9th Street, Brandon during regular office hours 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM or listed on the City’s web site at