Ribfest wrap up

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Naseer Malik, VP Brandon Rotary Sunset Club tells bdnmb.ca that the idea for Brandon’s first ever Rib Fest started when “one of our members visited a Ribfest and then proposed it at one of our meetings….and we all loved it.”  Naseer goes on to say that as the result of such a successful event “the profile of our club has really improved after this event and put us on the map.  Membership was perhaps decreasing a bit and now people are approaching us to join the club.  We are looking to do more large projects.”

Your expectations were 1,000 people a day and you ended up with over 18,0000 people at the conclusion of the three days.  Why do you think you had the success, you did? “ Brandon was ready for something new and we haven’t had anything new or unique in a long time…… it seemed like everyone was out in attendance with food, drinks, great weather and entertainment”

What are some of the hurdles you had to overcome?  “ our projections were way off and we weren’t ready for the shear amount of people that attended…. We needed more and more people to help set up and take down.  People need rest and can’t work around the clock.  It is really a business you have to manage it as such.”

Looking forward to 2018 what do you see going forward? “it is very hard for us to answer and it will be much bigger and we feel we just started….we will have to look into how to manage it even better.   We will be in the same venue … how many more ribbers …. More volunteers etc.

BDNMB.CA congratulates Naseer and the Rotary Sunset Club on a great job.