September Brings Fresh Starts
As the days slowly get a bit shorter, and I notice the odd leaf on my lawn (tear), I still am in awe with how quickly our summer in beautiful Brandon goes by. I reflect back on the summer and realize that my intention for a healthy balanced lifestyle maybe didn’t happen exactly as I had hoped. Ok, it wasn’t just me right? The more frequent socializing, the bbqs, the beers around the fire, the snacking, may have somehow out gunned my exercise routine (ok it sure as hell did) and now I’m aching for that balance and routine again.
I love the feeling of new beginnings that September brings. It goes back to school days where it was a fresh start to a new year at school. I have never lost that feeling. I still feel like it’s a fresh start and a brand new chance to hit my goals that I set at the beginning of the year. I love setting up a plan and a routine and getting back to my yoga practice and my healthy eating even though I still desperately mourn our long summer days.
The Zen Zone has added a few more classes to our fall schedule that we would love for you to come check out and maybe add to your own fall routine. It’s a new beginning for us too as we have new instructors, fun new classes and exciting workshops all lined up for the fall. Whether you come once a week or want to join the Unlimited club we would love to have you come and get back at it! Those of you who haven’t been in a long time, always know that we keep your card on file and we will honour any old classes you have! I know I’m gonna be there with bells on. Will you join me?