Tyler Glen selected to voice tribute video for 1991 Time’s “Man of the Year” Ted Turner

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Darryl: I am the first person to always say “ah it’s Brandon that’s good enough”. For long time morning host and Program Director Tyler Glen of Star FM and Q Country he has stepped up his game. When you hear ads on TV or radio you would never guess what a competitive business it is to be the person voicing those commercials. The buyer will listen to dozens of voices trying to find the right feel and sound that will serve their purpose of having a professional sounding ad. Quietly Tyler Glen lately has amassed some impressive international and national clients including Kroger Family of Stores, Ashley Furniture USA, Fox Television Online, Anheiser Bush (Budweiser), Sheraton Hotels & more.

Tyler: While 80% of my commercials are for US clients, I currently have or in the past couple of years, have voiced commercial content for clients in Mexico, Costa Rica, Cuba, Brazil, the Bahamas, the UK, Spain, Morocco, Sweden, Finland, The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Poland, Belarus, Romania, Egypt, Ghana, Nigeria, South Africa, United Arab Emirates, India, China, Thailand, Australia, and New Zealand.  I actually only have two or three clients in Canada I regularly do production for.

Darryl: This past weekend Tyler was selected to voice a tribute video for 1991 Time’s “Man of the Year” Ted Turner.  Explain to people how did this honor came about and from reading your Facebook post it must be a career highlight.  Almost as great if the Vikings won the Super Bowl.

Tyler: Full disclosure: it was for the man of the year 1991, the year I graduated from high school.  (Ted Turner).  I’m a CNN fan and Mr. Turner founded the network.  I was recently contracted by a production company in Georgia to do a voiceover that will air at a dinner in which he will be honored. So you’ll have literally hundreds of Georgia’s brightest in the business community at this dinner where he will receive a special honor, and a video will play before he gets that award.  And that video will be voiced by yours truly…..very cool….. since he was Tim Magazine’s Man of the Year in 1991…… the year I graduated from Erickson Collegiate.

Darryl: Tyler how do you land these jobs or even tryout?

Tyler: I actually started my studio back in 2006 so it’s been 14 years of work. I quietly started as a way to earn a little extra spending money for family vacations and it ended up growing. The last three years have been really big, thanks to new technology and good old fashioned word of mouth.  What’s really cool is that even though tools like the web and social media are used to help get the word out, it really is up to the individual to do a good job, provide value, be kind in the transaction, and follow up with all the traditional polite courtesy of business. These rules still apply in a digital world, and when you do a good job and you thank people for their business, and you’re courteous and kind, word starts to travel, and that’s what has happened in my case.  I’ve been very lucky. I always appreciate getting a call from another city on recommendation from another producer. What started out as a way to earn some extra money with a couple clients in North Dakota has grown to over 30 States, voicing with producers from Los Angeles to Minneapolis.  And in this case Atlanta.  Just because you’re in a small town does not mean you can’t be doing big things.  I had a program director once say that great radio isn’t defined by the number of people that are around a transmitter.  So true.  I also believe that when it comes to a person’s career.  You can be “world class” anywhere.  Just because you may be in a small town does not mean you can’t be doing big things.  Thankfully, and quietly, under the radar…..many people in Brandon are.

Darryl: I know a month I sent you a message and asked if you were doing a commercial on CNN and sure enough it was you.  How does it feel when people notice hey isn’t that Tyler Glen?

Tyler: It’s quite weird.  Especially when I’m watching CNN or KTLA for the content and one of my ads comes on.  Recently my daughter was in the kitchen and her head turned around, and she said “Dad is that you?” and I said “yes”…..it’s a very weird feeling knowing millions of people are hearing me too.  Humbling.  It’s also weird when I get random emails or DM’S from people across the States saying they heard me.  Last week one guy told me he was shopping at Kroger when he heard me to tell him to “buy peas”  (In store audio).  Very funny.

Darryl: Congrats from us at BDNMB and Food Truck Warz.

Tyler: Thanks guys.  I’m truly grateful for every opportunity I have, and I’m thankful for all the good luck I’ve had.  It’s important to remember:   just because you’re in a small town doesn’t mean you can’t do BIG things.