United Way Brandon Tree Auction Raises Nearly $21k

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When faced with the difficulties of a Covid world, the United Way worked harder on making sure their annual Holiday Tree Auction still happened.  Due to the current Code Red health ordered restrictions, the auction was held virtually with great success.

Utilizing a Zoom webinar platform, many of the 28 participants were able to bid on the trees by simply entering a “y” in it’s chat window.  Seen in real time, auctioneer Jesse Campbell of Fraser Auction Services was able to drive the values up steadily.

In total, $20,820.00 was raised and will go towards for the United Way’s annual campaign.  One of the entries, from Remax Valleyview Realty, garnished a $10,000 winning bid!

Overall, twelve local businesses each entered items into the auction.  Each contained a tree, decorations and an assortment of gifts, which were wrapped and ready for delivery.

Throughout Thursday, the companies used their scheduled times to drop off their items at the Victoria Inn’s Imperial Ballroom, keeping socially distant and safe.  Today, those will all be collected and delivered by United Way staff & a volunteer, as well as a service employee familiar with the recipient.

For more information on the Holiday Tree Auction, and other United Way Brandon & District news, please contact their office at 204-571-8929.  Emails can be sent to office@brandonuw.ca
