Up In Smoke

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With the legalization of recreational cannabis coming this fall, we have been fielding a lot of calls and emails from both investors and tenants regarding what this new law will mean for the rentals that we manage in Brandon and Thompson.

While the federal and provincial governments have both been careful (and a bit slow, in my opinion) in developing policy related to recreational cannabis for Manitoba from my research, this is how I think some of the regulations will play out when it comes to rental property.

  • If you live in a smoke-free apartment complex, meaning that the units are non-smoking, that would also mean it would a smoke-free environment for recreational and medical cannabis. Conversely, if smoking is permitted on the patio or balcony then recreational and medical cannabis use would be permitted in those areas.
  • What about growing cannabis plants in an apartment? If you have a medical permit to grow cannabis in Canada you are able to grow up to five plants inside or two plants outside. Please keep in mind that this does not necessarily mean that you can grow the plants inside your apartment or on the property of your landlord; you need to refer to the rules and regulations signed when you moved into your apartment. In addition, if you choose (and are able) to grow cannabis in your apartment, you should update your liability insurance for the increased risk of fire related to the process of growing these types of plants
  • If you do not have a medical permit to grow cannabis it will continue to be illegal in Manitoba, which will no doubt be a rule violation of most apartment complexes.

Keep in mind that apartments were not designed to withstand the heat and humidity that is required for growing cannabis. These conditions could lead to issues with mold and may end up resulting in an expensive renovation project for the property owner. Sometimes unforeseen projects can have an adverse effect on rental rates.

While trying not to be Buzz Killington, the changed laws in regard to cannabis will definitely have an impact on rental properties and condo developments. I really hope the changes allow for the responsible use of cannabis while having a minimal impact on the residents (and children) who choose not to indulge.

The policies and enforcement at properties managed by Vionell Holdings will be geared towards the quiet enjoyment of the residence. This means free from unnecessary dangers and health risks (like the ones created by grow ops) and maintaining a smoke-free environment.

For the most up-to-date information on cannabis laws and regulations, visit: https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/drugs-medication/cannabis/laws-regulations.html

Vionell Holdings Partnership (VHP) provides rental housing and property management for an array of residential and commercial customers, including Condominium Management. VHP currently has nearly 4,000 units under management in Manitoba. For more information please visit www.vhproperties.ca.