Westman Invests $1.4 M In Network Upgrades

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Today, Westman Communications Group (WCG) announced that they are investing $1.4 million for significant network infrastructure upgrades. These upgrades enable faster speeds and increased network resiliency while supporting future residential and business growth and higher bandwidth demands of devices and applications. The project has started and is scheduled for completion before the end of 2022.

WCG is continuously looking for ways to improve customer experience, as they understand the need for more speed and increased reliability is growing across the region. Their goal is to be proactively ahead of this growth to provide the best Internet and streaming TV experience to their members across all their service offerings.

Once the upgrade is complete, WCG will have the opportunity to offer their members speeds up to 1 Gigabit across all their communities.

“WCG is proud to offer advanced communication services to over 50 communities across
Manitoba,” said Dave Baxter, President and CEO of Westman Communications Group. “The
popularity of remote work, video streaming, and online gaming continues to grow. These
infrastructure upgrades will ensure WCG members enjoy the high-quality experience they
deserve and expect long into the future.”

WCG will notify members of any planned service interruptions associated with the
infrastructure upgrade; however, their goal is to keep them to a minimum. To easily monitor service interruptions, visit https://support.westmancom.com/service.php. WCG will release updates as the project progresses and upon completion.
