Wheat City Whiskey Jacks sign 2-Manitobans to 2021 roster

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The past few weeks have been very busy for the Wheat City Whiskey Jacks organization. On October 12, the team announced a new head coach (Robby Laughlin from Dawson College in Montana) for the 2021 season. Following the announcement of a new head coach, the organization has signed several players for the coming season including two Manitobans. Winnipeg’s Jordan Peck was the team’s 1st signing for 2021. The outfielder plays colligate baseball at Northwest Missouri State. Will Hlady (Dauphin, MB) was the 2nd Manitoban signed to the roster for 2021. Hlady, a pitcher, attends Valley City State University. For the latest Whiskey Jacks  information and player signings, please follow their official Twitter account.