Wiffleball League one of a kind

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On Twitter one day, we stumbled on something new in Brandon, Caswell’s Wiffleball League. Now you might be sitting there asking yourself, “What on earth is this.”

According to Wikipedia “Wiffle ball is a variation of the sport of baseball designed for indoor or outdoor play in confined areas. The game is played using a perforated, light-weight, resilient plastic ball and a long, typically yellow, plastic bat.”

Carthy Caswell, a young up and coming entrepreneur, had a vision to start what he believes is one of the only Wiffleball League’s in Manitoba.  He, and his family, built an official Wiffleball diamond in the family’s back yard which eventually led to Carthy wanting to start a league here in Brandon.  (Video of Caswell Field)

BDNMB had a chance recently to witness a game and following the game, I sat down with Carthy to find out some more information about his league.

BDNMB – Explain to us what wiffleball is?
Carthy – It is basically like baseball. It’s really close to the same rules except we use a wiffleball, a much lighter version of a hardball …we use a plastic bat, and the game is played on a much smaller field… it’s a miniature, easier version of baseball and games are only 3 innings long. (Carthy’s official league rule book can be found here.)

BDNMB – It seems like your buddies take it serious. This is your first year, and you already have 4 teams and a league web site.  How have things been going so far?
Carthy – The response has been nothing but awesome. We have shirts…we have everything, so I think this will be a great year.  We hope that our league can be competitive and more teams can be added down the road.

BDNMB – Is there anyone else in Manitoba doing this?
Carthy – No, I don’t think so. I am not even sure if anyone in Saskatchewan has a real wiffleball field.

BDNMB – Did you dad help out putting everything together?
Carthy  – Well, ha ha,  I am not sure if that is true.

BDNMB – Who is all playing in the league this year?
Carthy – Mason Kaspick, Nolan Ritchie, Dylan Halliday, Nate Hunter, and my brother…most guys are AAA Bantam or Midget hockey players.

Official League Website
Official Twitter Account (click to see more photos/videos, or to become a part of the league.)
Sample video of what a wiffleball game looks like.

Carthy Caswell, League Creator