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Brandon, CA
Saturday, June 22, 2024

Like Something You’ve Never Seen Before… literally!

Who Are The Invisible Men? What do you get when you mix the Blue Man Group doing a mash up of Jimi Hendrix’s if 6 was 9, K-Tel’s 23 difficult to strip to hits and Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon in reverse? I’m not sure but it might be very close to at…

 The value of advice

When it comes to your financial well-being, working with a professional may be the difference between achieving your financial goals and falling short. According to recent studies, Canadian households working with a financial advisor accumulate more than 1.5 times more assets than identical non-advised households over a period of only four to six years.[1] Having…

Windows 10 – Should your business upgrade?

The Windows 10 free upgrade offer will be ending soon. Up until now, most of our clients have been running Windows 7 Pro because it is a good operating system and there was no compelling reason to switch to Windows 8. Most people did not want to learn the completely different interface that Windows 8…

Mothers Day

There's nothing quite like the excitement your kids have when they're about to give you the special gifts they've created with their sticky little kid hands.  Their little chests puffed out with pride, bubbling over with excitement to show you what they made. And there's nothing more heartwarming than to read the words they've written.…

10 questions to consider for your retirement

You’ve saved, invested wisely and built a sizeable nest egg. Retirement is within your grasp, so it is no time to take chances. Here are 10 questions to move you towards a secure, confident retirement. 1. When do you want to retire?  The timing of your retirement is crucial to building your retirement nest egg…
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