Saturday, October 5, 2024
HomeArts & LifeLifestyles (Page 80)

Hamilton Going to Tour de France

Local pizzeria celebrating 30th anniversary

Minimum wage rises today in Manitoba

J&G Homes Arena Welcomes Joe Beeverz

Wendy’s Expansion

Health care support workers set strike date for October 8

Spirit Halloween store returns to Brandon

Branches Raise More Than $28K for Local Organizations

 The value of advice

When it comes to your financial well-being, working with a professional may be the difference between achieving your financial goals and falling short. According to recent studies, Canadian households working with a financial advisor accumulate more than 1.5 times more assets than identical non-advised households over a period of only four to six years.[1] Having a financial plan and committing to regular saving yields results. But those who seek professional guidance recognize a financial advisor does more than just invest your money. Your financial advisor is an expert who can review your financial plan on a regular basis to help keep you on track through life’s twists and turns. Your relationship with your financial advisor is a two-way street that needs ongoing attention. Your financial circumstances and needs will change over time, and it’s important that you keep your financial advisor informed of your current situation. Here are some events you should make your financial advisor aware of: • You experience a major life event. Getting married, buying your first or a new home, or a baby on the way are exciting life changes that may require a shift in how you handle your finances. • You’re having a financial challenge. Perhaps you’ve experienced an unexpected event – like the loss of a job, a health concern or divorce – that has the potential to set you back financially. • Your finances are getting complicated. Managing multiple financial products across different portfolios can be both time-consuming and confusing. • You want to leave a legacy. You might want to leave an inheritance to your family or favourite charity. • You’ve decided on a retirement date. Retirement brings a fundamental shift from saving to spending. Whatever your situation, your financial advisor can help you review and revise your plans accordingly. Financial planning is not an event it is a process. [1] CIRANO – Center for Interuniversity Research and Analysis in Organizations. An Econometric Analysis of Value of Advice in Canada.  

Windows 10 – Should your business upgrade?

The Windows 10 free upgrade offer will be ending soon. Up until now, most of our clients have been running Windows 7 Pro because it is a good operating system and there was no compelling reason to switch to Windows 8. Most people did not want to learn the completely different interface that Windows 8 came with. However, users of Windows 7 will find that Windows 10 is a much more familiar interface, and there may be reasons to look at switching. Performance With Windows 10, the operating system has been optimized to boot more quickly and run most applications a little faster. Some of these performance improvements were included with Windows 8 and now it's even better in Windows 10. Longevity Microsoft has stated that they will stop supporting Windows 7 in 2020. At that point it will no longer be safe to run Windows 7 in a business environment. This is similar to how Windows XP is no longer supported. In contrast, Microsoft has stated that Windows 10 will be their last Windows operating system. The plan is that they will continue to update Windows 10 for the foreseeable future. If that is the case, then at some point we will all move from Windows 7 or 8 to Windows 10. In addition to the performance increases and longer lifespan, Windows 10 also includes many security improvements and administrative features which make these systems easier to manage in a business environment. At this point, any Windows 7 or Windows 8 computer is eligible to receive a free upgrade to Windows 10. This offer is available until July 29, 2016. After that date, it will cost about $250 per computer for the upgrade license. We are recommending the following plan for businesses upgrading to Windows 10: 1) Identify about 10% of your computers to install the Windows 10 update on. This will be a trial to ensure Windows 10 works well in your environment and that your programs work as expected. If there are any issues, your IT support team should work with your software vendors to ensure things are working properly. 2) After 2-4 weeks of testing, install Windows 10 on the remainder of the computers.

Mothers Day

There's nothing quite like the excitement your kids have when they're about to give you the special gifts they've created with their sticky little kid hands.  Their little chests puffed out with pride, bubbling over with excitement to show you what they made. And there's nothing more heartwarming than to read the words they've written. It's the best. The kind of love that puts a lump in your throat.  When my oldest handed me his thoughtfully made gift, his first disclaimer was that the picture he drew on the front of my Mother's Day card wasn't actually me.  It was his grade 2 teacher.  It was a great drawing. He went on to explain how it ended up looking a lot more like his grade 2 teacher, so not to be surprised when I saw Mrs. Pike on the front of my card.   The inside cover was things about me, his mom.  The line I enjoyed most from the first page was the part about "My mom looks pretty when........ His answer? "It's 5:00pm." How I become "pretty" at the magicalhour of 5pm is a bit of a puzzler to me, but as far as I can figure, it likely has a strong correlation with supper time.  He's hungry.  I feed him.  Food source = beautiful.  The drawing inside the card on the 2nd page is one of our favorite things to do. We jump on the trampoline together.  He says its way more fun when I'm on there with him. One day I asked him why.  "Because you're super heavy mom." This is what he said to me.  Not to be mean, it wasn't intended that way at all. It's how it is.  It's just that the amount of extra mass I add by jumping on the trampoline with him, makes it so much more fun. And the last line on the 2nd page of the card? "I love my mom because she bought me a dog." This was quite a surprise to me, possibly even more so than trying to figure out what makes me so pretty to him at 5pm......or who the woman on the front of my Mother's Day card was.   We don't have a dog.  I will cherish these little gifts, as any parent does, made with a little imagination and a lot of love.  Dog or no dog.  Yours truly, Caley

10 questions to consider for your retirement

You’ve saved, invested wisely and built a sizeable nest egg. Retirement is within your grasp, so it is no time to take chances. Here are 10 questions to move you towards a secure, confident retirement. 1. When do you want to retire?  The timing of your retirement is crucial to building your retirement nest egg and assessing how long it needs to last. In retirement, you will experience a fundamental shift – from saving to spending. 2. How much of your current income do you expect to need in retirement? Your goals and challenges are unique to your life situation. The amount of your current income you’ll need in retirement depends on how much you’ve saved and how much you plan to spend during retirement. 3. How do you plan to spend your money? How you spend during your retirement will depend on your choices and could be influenced by factors beyond your control. 4. Have you considered your retirement lifestyle needs? What is your lifestyle vision for your retirement years? How will you spend your time? These choices may impact your spending pattern during retirement. 5. What guaranteed sources of income can you count on in retirement? Taking into account your existing sources of guaranteed income can help determine how much additional money you require to cover basic living costs and preserve the lifestyle you’ve worked hard to achieve. 6. Do you plan to work part-time or full-time in retirement? Perhaps you want to continue using your skills or explore new opportunities. You could also be influenced by debts or helping family members. 7. How do health and wellness factor into your retirement plan? Focusing on your wellness is central to your vitality and enjoyment of life. You may want to consider using retirement to focus on your mental and physical fitness. It’s important to make room in your budget for health and wellness priorities. 8. Are you ready for the unexpected events in life? When considering retirement planning, take into account unpredictable events – both financial and personal – for which you want to be prepared. Check to see if your retirement nest egg is strong enough to support you through a future economic downturn, a rise in the cost of living or a longer lifespan. 9. How will you keep your money working in retirement? In addition to fully protecting the money you need to cover your basic expenses, many retirees want a portion of their nest egg to grow. 10. Do you plan to leave a legacy? You might want to leave an inheritance to your family or favourite charity. Retirement brings many mixed emotions, but your financial professional can help you create a vision for the future so you can plan for retirement with confidence.

Dayna Weselowski Art

Dayna Weselowski is a 25-year-old self taught artist born in Thompson who moved to Brandon, Manitoba in the late '90's.  Always with a strong passion for art, and taking inspiration from everything around her, she has successfully completed and sold art pieces in an array of different mediums. These mediums include pencil and graphite, Prismacolour pencils, acrylic and oil painting, and creating and painting concrete leaf stepping stones. Her artwork style can be described as decorative art, varying from vibrantly coloured landscapes to anime characters to much more.  Dayna has showcased her artwork at several different craft shows around the Manitoba area and pieces can be viewed on her Facebook page - DaynaWeselowskiArt