Thursday, September 19, 2024
HomeArts & Life (Page 207)

Branches Raise More Than $28K for Local Organizations

Trans Canada Brewing Company set to expand to Brandon

Smoked & Sauced takes home top honors at this year’s Food Truck Warz in Brandon

Amazing food on tap this weekend at the Keystone Centre

Candy’s Cold Treats Set to Cool Things Down at Brandon’s Food Truck Warz

Complete food truck listing 2024

Hip-hop artist Merkules to visit Brandon in November

Blue Haze BBQ Gears Up to Defend Title at Food Truck Warz in Brandon, MB

Sebastian Owl Find The Next Level On Their Audio Adventure

The latest long player from this fantastic folk rock unit originally from Westman is chock full of delightfully delicious ditties. On the intriguingly titled "Captain Tomorrow & the Dream Orphans" the band sounds as musically cohesive as ever. Plus their choices of a variety of instruments and enchanting effects on certain selections, not only bolsters their already solid sound and masterful musicianship but keeps things interesting throughout this ambitious 13 track disc. They’ve managed to broaden their sound to impressive lengths as they can go from whisper quiet forlorn folk tunes to rollickingly ballistic barroom stompers from one track to the next. The group made up of Blair Atkinson- (Rhythm Guitar, Piano, Vocals) Ian Russell- (Bass, Vocals) Glenn Radley- (Drums) Logan Mckillop- (Lead Guitar) Brent Waitt- (Mandolin) have truly found the next level on their music making journey. Blair Atkinson's song writing has grown in leaps and bounds over the years. He's always had the knack for a solid story teller approach but there are many tracks on the new album that display his keen ability to take the listener down many a memory lane. One such case in point is the poignant opening track “Golden Boy.” The track starts off innocently enough as a story about a son seeking his Father's approval. It eventually builds into a righteously raging retrospective rant that begs the question "why is not just being who I am ever good enough?"  Then there’s the touching track “Come the Morning” (track 3) which contains verses of interestingly intriguing introspection involving a past love. Anyone who’s ever endured a break up that periodically causes melancholy recall will relate to this one.  Happily this briefly depressing tale turns into somewhat of a triumphant track and you may be tempted to sing along with the catchy chorus before the conclusion (I’m drunk and I’m broke and I’m all out of smokes….) There are several other standout tracks that feature Atkinson at his lyrical best such as “Bucket List” and “The Ballad of Captain Tomorrow.” On those aforementioned compositions he is like a wordsmith wielding the power of the pen that can lead you into certain rooms of recollection located in your life's memory banks. He truly has shown significant growth with his song writing with the power to paint visceral pictures in the mind of the listener. As their catalogue continues to grow (2011’s Between the Foxes and the Wolves, 2012’s The Needle is Broken the Compass Spins, and 2014’s Nowhere in Particular) the group has also grown in leaps and bounds on this their fourth CD. The guys have truly found their sound which will without question help solidify their place on the folk scene. Fans and friends alike have the opportunity to join in on the celebration of the Owl’s newest creation this Friday night at the 40 during their CD Release party which features an opening set of special guests The Young Pixels. Cover charge at the door. There will also be copies of the new disc available at the merch table. Snag one! It will be the perfect addition to your music collection. "Captain Tomorrow & The Dream Orphans"  - Track Listing 1. Golden Boy  2. Another Breakup Song 3. Come The Morning 4. Bucket List 5. Only For Tonight 6. The Ballad of Captain Tomorrow 7. South Side of the Sun 8. When I Go 9. Dear Wendy 10. Down to Earth 11. Cocoon 12. Take Me Down Pt. 2 13. Ashes And Ashes

Resilient Ross Ready to Rock!

resilience [ri-zil-yuh ns] n. 1. the power or ability to return to the original form, position, etc., after being bent, compressed, or stretched. 2. ability to recover readily from illness, depression, adversity, or the like; buoyancy. If you look up that word in the dictionary Mark Ross’s picture should be placed beside it. The first time I met Mark Ross he struck me as an upbeat person who always had a smile on his face and an unwavering desire to perform. Those characteristics mixed with his outstanding talent made him a pleasure to create music with. I’m pleased and proud to call him a friend and a former band mate. When I heard the news about “the incident” on February 19th I was shocked. I had a hard time wrapping my head around it. How could this happen to a guy who is this full of life and has such a love for live performance? My Facebook wall became flooded with messages, updates and different takes on “the incident” and I immediately checked in with another member of his band Misty Street to get a firsthand account of what happened.  Upon further research I found out that Mark almost died during a show. He had collapsed on stage during the second set of a three set gig. In fact it was mid song and it was one of his songs! Back when it happened I thought this would make for an amazing story but out of respect for Mark I held off until the right time arose. When I caught wind of the fundraiser gig I wanted to get the word out to help the cause. For those of you who don’t know Mark he is one of the most affable guys you’ll ever meet. He is the quintessential nice guy! In fact when I first approached him to set up the interview, here is what he had to say, “Before I answer the questions, I have to say I'm blown away at the response I'm receiving from the music community in Brandon. I've only been in the scene for almost 3 years now, but the love I'm getting from everyone is overwhelming. I feel like I'm part of a huge super talented dysfunctional family of misfits and weirdos. I love it!! I'll answer these questions the best that I can.” The 41 year old Ross works for Look Music Services as a DJ/emcee at various social functions. He spends most of his free time practicing music or learning and even writing new songs. When it comes to performing music, he spends most of his time playing with popular local group Misty Street, “the band practices ( or tries to ) twice a week, at least once a week for sure. If there's a gig coming up we try to get together as much as we can to make it tight. Myself I practice a minimum of 2 hours a day.” Another surprising part of this whole story is Mark was really serious about improving his health before the ultimate health scare occurred, “I was actually feeling really good, I had lost 20 pounds, I was working out and on a strict diet. That night I had a few adult beverages and was feeling great.” Ross says they were doing an uptempo original of his when it happened and he gave us this account of how it all went down, “It's funny now, but we were playing my own song Back Seat when all this happened. During the song Back Seat I was struggling to sing it. It's a fast paced song as you know and I thought the band was playing it extra fast. Then I realized the band was fine, it was me who couldn't keep up. After the song was done I was supposed to start the next song and I couldn't think of the right chords and couldn't catch my breath. The next thing I remember is waking up with Kelly Jones on top of me trying to keep me awake. I felt so tired. I just wanted to sleep. Kelly I believe has training in CPR so she was doing what she could until paramedics got there. Thank God for them, I was conscience the entire time so I remember everything. The poor guys had to carry me down the decker stairs. They got me into the ambulance and had to give me the paddles to stabilize my heart rate. I wouldn't have made it much longer with a heartbeat of 230bpm. It's called a V Tach or Ventricular Tachycardia.” Ross says the crowd reaction was a bit of a blur, “I don't remember anyone’s reaction personally but I know Mariah and Matt caught me so I didn't fall into my keyboards.” I for one believe it was Mark’s general upbeat disposition and love of offbeat humor that helped him through the ordeal. This recollection from punctuates that thought, “I heard I was still trying to make jokes even while I was dying (laughs). I think everyone was just in shock because it happened so fast. I think half of the Decker called 911 all at once. (laughs)” It was Mark’s penchant for quick quips that lead to the band coming up with the fundraiser idea, “The fundraiser came about when I received my ambulance bill in the mail. $675.00!! I made a joke about doing a fundraiser to help with the bill and Mariah thought it was a great plan. Any help right now is much appreciated. It's almost been 3 months without working, and that ambulance bill almost gave me another V Tach.” Bassists Greg Gibson was as shocked as everyone was, “there were no warning signs at all. Mark and I were having a great conversation between the first and Second set discussing the show and discussing important worldly matters, such as the Deadpool movie.” Then moments later the unthinkable happened. It’s something no band ever wants to deal with but Gibson says they did the best they could considering the shocking situation, “We just finished Backseat, which is a fast Ska styled song that Mark wrote and sings, and then we started playing higher and higher and I looked over and Mark was sinking lower and lower. When it happened I think the entire band went into automatic pilot mode we just wanted to get him the help that he needed we were beside him talking to him until the paramedics arrived.” Gibson says the crowd reaction was somewhat reassuring, there was some confusion but they very concerned and very helpful. A few people appeared to have medical training which was very welcomed at that time.” Thankfully resuscitation wasn’t necessary but it was nip tuck, “Mark was groggy and extremely tired, kind of going in and out of consciousness, but he didn't completely lose consciousness at any time. When we were asking him his name and other quick mini mental status questions, he was the consummate comedian. We asked "can you tell us who you are? He answered by singing Snoop Doggy Dogg". That's when I knew he was going to be OK.”  So will they be playing Backseat during the fundraiser gig? Gibson offers this take on it, “We may save backseat for the next gig. Who knows? Maybe we will play backseat as a slow waltz. (Laughs). But we will be playing higher and higher.” Ross being his ever energetic self, had this to say, “At the fundraiser I'll be doing as much as I can. I'll be doing the classics like Michael Jackson and Elvis and of course Back Seat, the song that started this all.” The show which is billed as “The Mark is Alive Ambulance Fundraiser Gig” is set for Saturday, April 30th at the Double Decker (10th & Rosser) in downtown Brandon. In lieu of cover charge there will be a cash collection at the door so bring whatever you can afford. I’m sure Mark and the band will be more than appreciative and respond with an amazing show! Mark is getting closer and closer to feeling 100% again but he says it has been a long and tough recuperation, “I've been on antibiotics every day for 6 weeks. It's tough because I had a PICC line from my arm to my heart, so my daily activities were pretty limited. I just finished my last trip to the hospital yesterday so I'm free to recover and can't wait to get back on the stage.” Local singer songwriter & keyboardist Mark Ross (middle) with Misty Street band mates Cy Arthurson (pictured at left) and Matt Cory (Right). Catch them in action Saturday, April 30th at the Double Decker. They’ll be playing a full show this time. 

Shorts, tank top and bikini season

Oh wonderful, perpetually tardy Spring…it still tends to sneak up on you…especially when shorts, tank top and bikini season is approaching. Spring represents new beginnings, transformations and fresh starts. A mini-New Year’s for resolutions. I believe it’s never too late to start over again. It’s the only way to reach your goals. I have a calendar of motivational quotes and when I flipped it to April it said…”The beginning can happen anywhere along the way…” Something about that made me feel better, made me want to get re-started, re-motivated and re-committed to my goals for 2016. What goals have you let slide since the New Year? There is still time…(trust me, mother nature is taking her sweet ass time) The Zen Zone runs a “6 weeks to May long yoga challenge” every year. It motivates our challengers to get to where they want to be mind, body and spirit by May long weekend.   I am continually inspired by the different challenges that my clients want to accomplish in these 6 weeks. The goals range from quitting drinking alcohol, committing to a daily yoga practice, cutting out soft drinks and refined sugar to starting a regular meditation habit. What a great way to start some healthy habits to take with us through the rest of 2016 and save ourselves a New Year’s resolution for 2017! Longer days, more sunshine and that smell in the air. Let all these signs of spring launch you back into your routines. Get outside, get back in the gym, hit the yoga studio, whatever moves you. Connect to what feels good for your body and let’s get healthy and feeling better for when summer hits! And bottom line…it won’t hurt for when you put on that bathing suit either…

Give Palm Springs a Try

If Comic Con is on your bucket list, but you're not quite ready to tackle THE Comic Con in San Diego, what about giving Palm Springs a try?  For the first time, a version of the famed convention will take place in Palm Springs California this year.   The inaugural event is being held at the end of summer, August 26th through 28th, 2016 and will feature comic book icon Stan Lee.  To travel to Palm Springs, in the winter, it is very convenient to fly out of Brandon (YBR) however, in the summer the flight will connect and delay you overnight in Calgary. Therefore, I'd recommend using an alternate airport, like Winnipeg (YWG) or even Minot (MOT) or Devil's Lake (DVL).  A good price for a Palm Springs flight is $400 or less (Canadian Funds)  The current best price I see, is $361 (US Funds) with United Airlines and out of Minot. It also happens to be the quickest flight at just over 5 hours, with a connection in Denver.  There are no direct flights to Palm Springs (PSP) this time of year.  The host hotel, is the Renaissance. It's just a couple miles from the airport, thought you could say that about anywhere. Palm Springs, is a very compact city, small and well laid out, like Brandon. If you can navigate Brandon, you will do fine to rent a car and drive in Palm Springs.  The Renaissance is a Marriott Hotel. If it's full, or you are looking for a fun, designer boutique hotel in the area, you may wish to try the Triada, or the Riviera. During my last visit to Palm Springs, we stayed at the Riviera and loved their pool area, the rhinestone billiards table and the white grand piano in the lounge.  The Best Western (as shown in the Expedia example) is also very near to the convention and priced well.  As a 5 night package, with flights, hotel and tax it currently shows through Expedia  for under $1000 Canadian per person, of two people sharing a room. 

Five money mistakes common to post-secondary students

Overusing credit cards At college and university orientation events, representatives from major credit card company’s offer free stuff if you sign up with them — they know many students won’t make their payments on time. Prove them wrong by paying off your balance each month before it accrues interest. This can also help build a good credit rating when it’s time to borrow money for a car or a home. Also, watch for a credit card that offers a low interest rate (many student cards do). Abusing student loans While student loans offer low interest rates and interest-free terms, they’re to help pay for your education, not shopping sprees. Dip into your student loan too often and you may need a part-time job, which could distract you from your studies. Not thinking about career plans Unfortunately, an education in something you love may not guarantee you a job after graduation. Talk to people who’ve graduated with the same education. How long did it take them to find a job? What did they wish they’d done differently? Boost your resume with supplemental courses, internships, a club or volunteering. While employers look at your education, they’re also interested in interpersonal and leadership skills. Giving out financial information Nearly one-third of identity thefts happen to people between the ages of 18 and 29. Only use secure networks when sharing personal or financial information. Look for “https” at the beginning of the web address to ensure it’s a secure site. Avoid sharing credit cards and co-signing loans with friends. Forgoing a spending or financial plan Many students spend first and ask questions later a formula for landing in financial hot water. Budgeting can help you stay on top of your finances. Cover fixed expenses (rent, tuition, groceries) before you allocate variable expenses (going to the movies, dining out, etc.). Budgeting websites can help categorize your spending automatically. These sites can even send weekly updates on your financial situation. Even at this stage in your life it’s important to identify your financial goals. A financial professional can help you create a plan that includes saving for all the things you want to do once you graduate. Going into debt in your 20s isn’t the end of the world, sometimes, it’s a necessity. Although financial planning is rarely taught in school, if you have the foresight to stay on top of your finances, you’ll have a leg up on many of your peers.