Friday, March 14, 2025
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Beyond the Box Score: Local Sports News for March 9, 2025

Full lineup released for Rockin’ The Fields Of Minnedosa 2025

Bringing Sweetness to Every Celebration: A Family’s Popcorn and Cotton Candy Business

Locally made handcrafted perogies, cabbage rolls, and dumplings now available in Brandon

Beyond the Box Score: Local Sports News for March 2, 2025

Brandon Bits and Bites #8

50th annual MBA Family of Festivals Jazz Band Festival celebrates music-making, sharing, and learning with 1,000+ students in 47 bands

Westman Communications Group Announces Connecting Westman Tour Locations

The changing retirement income landscape

Fewer than one in three working Canadians has a guaranteed pension plan¹. Canadians are living longer than ever before and very few have access to traditional sources of retirement income, such as workplace pension plans. In fact, between 1982 and 2011 participation in defined contribution plans grew by 294.4 per cent while participating in defined benefit plans grew by only 2.7 per cent2. While defined contribution plans will potentially offer employees more choice, and more control for their retirement income by allowing them to invest their funds as they choose, they do not provide employees with a guaranteed income in retirement. This can make it difficult for people to accurately plan for how much they will earn in retirement, creating a significant challenge when it comes to retirement planning. Fortunately, your financial professional can help. According to the Towers Watson 2012 Survey of Pension Risk, 72 per cent of Canadian employees either agreed or strongly agreed that they are more concerned about pensions than they were 24 months ago. As part of your retirement income plan, you may wish to work with your financial professional to look at your guaranteed income from all sources and identify any gaps between the money you’ll have coming in and the income you’ll need. Areas to discuss: • Your level of guaranteed income • How much you plan to spend • Recommended income solutions that will provide income for life, plus the potential for growth Planning for a retirement does not need to be a daunting task, especially if you take time to ensure you are considering as many scenarios as possible. 1 Source: Statistics Canada, Pension Plans in Canada and Labour Force Survey, 2011 2Source: Towers Watson, Survey of Pension Risk, 2012  
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Little Valley Jamboree June 18 & 19

The Little Valley Jamboree is an annual musical festival that is held to raise awareness, support and fund for special needs children in the area and throughout Manitoba.  The two day event is held the third weekend in June in Erickson, MB. The Jamboree is completely volunteer based and is family orientated. Monies raised at the festival goes to special needs children to assist families with medical treatments, special needs devices, travelling expenses and any unforeseen expenses. Two families and their children are selected each year to benefit from this fundraising. Monies are raised through donations, either cash or merchandise for our Auctions, Chinese, Silent and Live Auction. Raffle tickets are sold leading up to the event. (see more in the FAQ). Bring your family and friends out for a weekend of fun for a great cause - there are camping areas right on site, or day parking if you would like to drive up for the day. Entertainment Line-Up Saturday- 2pm -11pm **The Cookshank Shakers **The Country Connection Revival **Michael Campbell and Friends **Live Auction  **Better Than Sunday 12noon - 8pm **Lazy Creek Express **Along for the Ride **Laurie and the Kids **Crossfyre **Kristen Nerbas **Smith & Wesson Tweeners: Laurie Larsen, Kristen Nerbas  

Aaron Lines to Celebrate Canada D’eh at CFB Shilo

NEWS RELEASE Aaron Lines to Celebrate Canada D’eh at CFB Shilo Shilo, Manitoba – June 6, 2016 Shilo – Country music recording artist Aaron Lines will headline a spectacular variety show at the 2016 Canada Day celebrations at CFB Shilo.  Other entertainers include award winning fiddle player Stephanie Cadman, recording artists Small Town Pistols, and show host and comedian Pete Zedlacher. Family-oriented activities for our Canada D’eh start at 3:00 p.m. and run throughout the day. Activities include laser tag, an obstacle course, water fights, foam party and much more. There will be food vendors on site as well as a huge birthday cake. The RCA Museum will be open all day featuring a new exhibit dedicated to the First World War’s Battle of the Somme. Aaron Lines will take the main stage at 7:30 p.m. followed by a fireworks display at sunset. Quick Facts ·         Visitors are encouraged to bring their own lawn chairs or blankets for seating. ·         Visitors are reminded that everyone over the age of 18 must have government-issued photo ID. ·         The RCA Museum will be open from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. with the exhibit opening ceremony starting at 2:00 p.m.  Associated Links www.facebook.com/Canada-Deh-Shilo www.stephaniecadman.com www.zedlacher.com www.smalltownpistols.ca www.facebook.com/Aaron-Lines-Country-Artist-213286335629 Contacts Lori Truscott CFB Shilo Public Affairs 204-765-3000 ext 3813 Lauren.Armstrong2@forces.gc.ca
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Top 5 Things to See & Do In Brandon for June

1.  The Manitoba Summer Fair (June 8-12) tops our list of The Top 5 Things to Do and & See in Brandon for the month of June.  The annual attraction draws 1,000's of visitors each summer from Brandon and the surrounding Westman area.  The single largest attraction of the fair is the North American Midway featuring such rides as the Sling Shot and the Euro Bungy.  Other attractions throughout the event include a demo derby, live entertainment, a kid zone and classic car display.  Oh, and mini donuts too. 2.  PEAK Boxing Event is set to take place at the Roadhouse inside the Canad Inns on Saturday June the 25th.  Organizers are looking to offer a total of 15 bouts with both junior (under 18) and adult matches filling the nights fun.  Many local boxers are set to enter the squared circle as well as boxers from Sask., Alberta and parts of the US.  The prelims for the juniors are scheduled to get underway at 6:00 pm followed by the adult/main card which is to get underway at 9:00 pm. 3.  The Brandon Chamber of Commerce Golf Tournament will take place on Wednesday, June the 15h at the Glen Lea Golf & Country Club.  It's a shotgun start at 11:30 am followed by dinner at 6:30 pm at the Great Western Roadhouse.  Filled with fun challenges and great prizes, the tournament consistently sells out and isn't one to be missed! Last year’s event featured a golf ball cannon which would launch a golf ball approximately 260 yards down the fairway. 4.  Who doesn't like to Raise a Little Hell?  Canadian rock band and party favorites, Trooper are set to take the stage at The 40 on Saturday, June the 18th.  The group is best known for its Canadian hits: We're Here for a Good Time (Not a Long Time)", "The Boys in the Bright White Sports Car", "General Hand Grenade", "3 Dressed Up as a 9", "Janine", "Two for the Show", "Oh, Pretty Lady", and "Santa Maria".   Trooper is led by original members, vocalist Roman McGuire and guitarist Brian Smith, and has been performing in sold-out venues across Canada since the early 70's.  5. Heathers the Musical is based on the cult-classic movie, starring Christian Slater and Winona Ryder,  from the 80's with really great, rocking music.  The Middle Coast will be 'the band' for the show.” The amazing trio of musicians will be joined by Shirley Martin and music director Katherine Sherris. Heathers the Musical is set to take place at the Amphitheater inside the Keystone Centre and will run from June 15th-17th.  For a full preview of the event please see Franks McGwire's story at https://bdnmb.ca/bdnmb-live/new-local-theatre-group-gets-risque-with-next-production/224.

Increase Productivity & Morale

If you are a business owner, the challenge of finding employees with the required skillset is one thing – once you find them, keeping them is even more of a challenge. What is important to an employee is feeling that they are valued enough to have their employer invest in protecting them should an illness or disability happen to them.  As a business leader, you can ensure your valued employees have the needed protection for themselves and their families with a group benefits plan. Did you know that these plans: Are available to companies with as few as 3 employees? Cost about 3–6% of annual payroll? Are fully tax-deductible? Offer diverse coverage for your employees and their dependants? Are able to pay an employee who is unable to work due to injury or illness? A financial professional can help you grow your business by attracting and retaining the best.