9.2 C
Brandon, CA
Monday, June 3, 2024

Westman Communications Group Announces Brandon Wheat Kings Playoffs on WCGtv

Courtesy: Westman Communications Group Brandon MB, April 21, 2016 – Westman Communications Group is pleased to announce we will be broadcasting the Brandon Wheat Kings' games through to the Western Hockey League final. We will be broadcasting the games live in HD on channel 1012 to all Westman subscribers who have HD packages and live…

NDP orange crushed; sky is Tory blue

“What a great night. The only thing better than tonight in Manitoba is tomorrow. Tomorrow all Manitobans are going to walk out into a beautiful spring morning and they’re going to look up and the sky is going to be blue.”    — Brian Pallister’s victory speech in Winnipeg last night. That blue sky Progressive…

Damn Dirty Dippers

“If nothing else, Manitoba’s 41st election will be remembered for the desperate and often unseemly campaign tactics exhibited by NDP Premier Greg Selinger.”                                                                             — Globe and Mail, Sunday, April 17 “Scaring cancer patients? What's next for this…

The battle for Brandon East

“I think Manitoba can be that great province again … and I’d be more than thrilled to have Len Isleifson join me in the Legislature for Brandon East, I think that would be fabulous for Brandon.”                            — Reg Helwer, televised debate, April 14. I just switched on the televised all-candidates debate on WCGtv. Those…

Helping the homeless in Brandon

On the first really warm day of spring, dozens of trained volunteers fanned out through city streets, alleys and places that I wouldn’t want to be in after dark. It was the second Point-in-Time (PiT) Homelessness Count, which provides a snapshot of the number of homeless people in the Wheat City. Now it might come…
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