19.2 C
Brandon, CA
Sunday, June 16, 2024

18yr old Brandon woman arrested after allegedly in possession of prohibited firearm

On Thursday, staff of a group home reported finding two license plates at a residence on Cornell Bay. The plates were found to belong to the stolen vehicle from Winnipeg. Police executed a search warrant at the residence that recovered a 12 gauge sawed-off shotgun, Savage Arms .22 caliber long rifle and a sock full…

Former Brandonites build a hit TV show

Dirty T Shirt Productions has taken the unique story of the McPhail Brothers to Bell MTS FIBE TV 1. McPhail Brother Workshop, a six-episode series follows Joel and Josh McPhail into their shop, as they create stunning, one-of-a-kind pieces out of wood and metal Producer / Director Steve Langston explained the show captures the creative…

Manitoba Introduces Legislation that Would Implement Tough Provincial Sanctions for Drunk Drivers

The Manitoba government has introduced amendments to The Highway Traffic Act that would adopt more serious sanctions for drunk drivers while keeping more police on Manitoba’s roads, Justice Minister Cliff Cullen announced today. “There are still too many people who haven’t gotten the message about drunk driving and they are taking the lives of too…

Volunteers Hard at Work, West End Community Centre rinks ready for public use tomorrow

West End Community Centre volunteers were seen early this morning working hard to clear the snow off of the two ice surfaces at the centre after a weather system dropped about 10 centimetres of snow on the city.   The volunteers have spent many hours flooding the rinks to get them ready for the season…

Police Vehicle Involved in Crash – 18th St & Rosser Ave

Wednesday afternoon, a two-vehicle collision occurred at the intersection of 18th St and Rosser Ave in Brandon, involving a 4-door sedan and a police SUV. The crash sent the 4-door sedan up onto the north-east curb of the intersection, coming into close proximity to the "Discover Downtown" barrier that runs along that sidewalk. It is…
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