17.2 C
Brandon, CA
Friday, May 31, 2024

Winnipeg Yetis outscore opponents 167-4, capture AAA Summer Hockey Challenge title

2011 Championship The Winnipeg Yetis (pictured above) scored an astounding 167 goals (while only surrendering 4) in 6-games to capture the 2011 Age Division at this past weekend's AAA Summer Hockey Challenge held in Brandon. In Sunday afternoon's championship game, they defeated the Pilot Mound Buffaloes 27-1. Ryder Olford (7g, 5a) and Aiden Christie (6g,4a)…

WRSA and BYSA to offer Fall League programming in Westman

Due to the loss of the usual spring soccer season, the WRSA and BYSA are offering fall league programming in Westman. Programming will begin the week of August 31st in a number of different age categories. For more information and how to register, please click this link.

Western Hockey League planning to start next season Dec. 4

The Western Hockey League announced Thursday a prospective start date of December 4  for the 2020-21 season. The original return to play plan included an Oct. 2 start date. WHL officials say they remain committed to playing a full regular-season schedule of 68 games, followed by four rounds of playoffs. The 2019-20 regular season was halted on March 12 due…

Brandon’s Ryan White releases hockey related YouTube channel, Whitey’s World

Forced out of the hockey rink this spring, Ryan White quickly missed the game of Hockey. Brandon’s “Whitey” has spent the past 2 seasons with the AHL’s Manitoba Moose. Over the past 12 professional seasons he compiled 313 games in the NHL with Montreal, Philadelphia, Arizona and Minnesota. With all the accumulated knowledge during his…

Golf tournament raises $45,000 for local causes

The 2020 IG Wealth Management Bobcat BIRT Cup held on July 10 raised $45,000 for local causes. The Cerebral Palsy Association of Manitoba Westman Chapter, Pawsitive Communities, baseball diamond upgrades in Oak River, the Brandon U18 Wheat Kings hockey club, Making Faces and the Bobcat BIRT Cup Athletic Scholarship Endowment were among the organizations listed to receive…
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