15.2 C
Brandon, CA
Saturday, June 22, 2024

Pinkest Owl Golf Tournament

Submitted by: The Pinkest Owl Golf Tournament The tournament has been around since 1993, making this year the 23rd annual, being held on June 11th at Glen Lea Golf Course. The tournament is a ladies only golf tournament (which is rare in our area) and all proceeds from the event are donated to cancer programs…

AAA Hockey Challange Sets Dates

The Source for Sports AAA Hockey Challange has set its dates and the popular summer event is sure to draw teams and spectators from all over Manitoba, Saskatewan and North Dakota.  The tournament held annually in the Wheat City has played to host to many future NHL stars including Matt Calvert, Mike Ferland, Cody Eakin,…

Norway House Bruins Win Sioux Valley Dakota Nations Hockey Tournament

An Aboriginal hockey tournament featuring a few ex-WHL players was held in Brandon recently. The Norway House Bruins captured their 3rd straight championship defeating the Ochapowace Thunder in the tournament final. The Sioux Valley Dakota Nations full contact hockey tournament featured several Aboriginal teams from Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta vying for the $15,000 top prize.…
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